# helper functions
import re
def load_file(path, names):
with open(path, 'r') as f:
= f.readlines()
lines return pd.DataFrame(lines, columns=names)
def load_data(basePath):
= {'WP':'Writing Prompt',
tags 'SP':'Simple Prompt',
'EU':'Established Universe',
'CW':'Constrained Writing',
'TT':'Theme Thursday',
'PM':'Prompt Me',
'MP':'Media Prompt',
'IP':'Image Prompt',
'PI':'Prompt Inspired',
'OT':'Off Topic',
'RF':'Reality Fiction'}
= pd.DataFrame()
dfConcat for split in ['train', 'valid', 'test']:
= load_file(f'{basePath}/writingPrompts/{split}.wp_source', ['prompt'])
df for tag in tags.keys():
= df['prompt'].map(lambda x: check_tag(x, tag.lower()))
df[tag.lower()] 'tagCounter']= df.iloc[:,[2,-1]].sum(axis=1)
df['splitLineIndex'] = df.index
df[= load_file(f'{basePath}/writingPrompts/{split}.wp_target', ['story'])
story 'story'] = story['story']
df['split'] = split
df[= pd.concat([dfConcat, df])
dfConcat return dfConcat
def check_tag(item, tag):
mif len(m) > 0:
for group in m:
if tag in group:
return 1
return 0
def show_data(df):
= '''
html_string <html>
<head><title>HTML Pandas Dataframe with CSS</title></head>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="df_style.css"/>
= df.replace('\<newline\>|\< newline \>|\<new line\>', '\n', regex=True)
df **{'text-align': 'left'}).set_table_styles([ dict(selector='th', props=[('text-align', 'left')] ) ])
df.style.set_properties(= df.to_html()
html = html_string.format(table=html)
html_string = html_string.replace(r'\n','<br>' ).\
html_string '<td>', '<td style="text-align:left">').\
replace('<th>', '<th style="text-align:left">')
def get_samples(df, n, constraint = None, show = True):
= zip(df['prompt'].iloc[:n,0].index, df['prompt'].iloc[:n,0], df['story'].iloc[:n,0])
samples = pd.DataFrame(samples, columns=['index', 'prompt', 'story'])
df if constraint is not None:
= df[df['prompt'].str.contains(constraint)]
df return df
The goal of this task was to auto-generate question/answer samples from writingPrompts to feed openAssistant.
To do that we should standardize the way a prompt was written. Our choice was to set prompt templates which might turn the generation process feasible. Here are the templates we applied:
- Base template: every prompt would have this sample. > User: write me a story about: {stripped_prompt} -> Rosey: Sure, here’s a story about: {stripped_prompt}:
where stripped_promt
is the cleared prompt output by regex pattern to take out parts of a prompt that would not fit the template. And story
is the actual answer to a prompt.
- General constraints: a prompt whose constraint was found by regex pattern would have this also. > Base template, {stripped_constraint} -> Rosey: Sure, here’s a story about: {stripped_prompt}, {stripped_constraint}:
where stripped_constraint
is the constraint found.
- Answer beginning constraints: this constraint was imposed by the way the answer should start.
> Base template, starting with: {beggining} -> Rosey: Sure, here’s a story about: {stripped_prompt}, starting with: {beggining}:
where beginning
is the first sentence of a story.
- Answer end constraints: this constraint was imposed by the way the answer should end.
> Base template, ending with: {ending} -> Rosey: Sure, here’s a story about {stripped_prompt}: ending with: {ending}
where ending
is the last sentence of a story.
- Answer middle constraints: this constraint was imposed by the way the answer should have in its middle text.
> Base template, where the middle of the story is about: {middle} -> Rosey: Sure, here’s a story about: {stripped_prompt}, where the middle of the story is about: {middle}:
where middle
is a summary of a story without the first and last sentence brought by a generative model
To get the samples we used the following pipeline:
- Get data: download from kaggle
- Pre-processing: load data from entails source/taget (aka: prompt/story) by every split (train/valid/test) merging into one pandas dataframe, enhancing tit with tabular info about the sample tags.
- Triage prompts: we pick prompts sorted by frequency, and we built regex pattern for some of them to extract a striped prompt and the related constraint.
- Split stories: after removing story beginning and ending sentences, we applied a sentence sliding window to get stories middle summaries.
::: {.cell _cell_guid=‘b1076dfc-b9ad-4769-8c92-a6c4dae69d19’ _uuid=‘8f2839f25d086af736a60e9eeb907d3b93b6e0e5’ execution=‘{“iopub.execute_input”:“2023-02-10T12:44:10.291896Z”,“iopub.status.busy”:“2023-02-10T12:44:10.291536Z”,“iopub.status.idle”:“2023-02-10T12:44:10.306263Z”,“shell.execute_reply”:“2023-02-10T12:44:10.305110Z”,“shell.execute_reply.started”:“2023-02-10T12:44:10.291866Z”}’ trusted=‘true’ execution_count=4}
# This Python 3 environment comes with many helpful analytics libraries installed
# It is defined by the kaggle/python Docker image: https://github.com/kaggle/docker-python
# For example, here's several helpful packages to load
import numpy as np # linear algebra
import pandas as pd # data processing, CSV file I/O (e.g. pd.read_csv)
# Input data files are available in the read-only "../input/" directory
# For example, running this (by clicking run or pressing Shift+Enter) will list all files under the input directory
import os
for dirname, _, filenames in os.walk('/kaggle/input'):
for filename in filenames:
print(os.path.join(dirname, filename))
# You can write up to 20GB to the current directory (/kaggle/working/) that gets preserved as output when you create a version using "Save & Run All"
# You can also write temporary files to /kaggle/temp/, but they won't be saved outside of the current session
!ls /kaggle/input/writing-prompts/writingPrompts/test.wp_source
= load_data('/kaggle/input/writing-prompts') ds
3) ds.head(
prompt | wp | sp | eu | cw | tt | pm | mp | ip | pi | ot | rf | tagCounter | splitLineIndex | story | split | |
0 | [ WP ] You 've finally managed to discover the... | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | So many times have I walked on ruins , the rem... | train |
1 | [ WP ] The moon is actually a giant egg , and ... | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | -Week 18 aboard the Depth Reaver , Circa 2023-... | train |
2 | [ WP ] You find a rip in time walking through ... | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 2 | I was feckin ' sloshed , mate . First time I e... | train |
from tqdm import tqdm
Triage Prompts
- Take the prompts list order by frequency
- Define regex patterns for prompt and constraint
- Generate prompts
= ds.groupby(['prompt', 'split']).size().reset_index().\
df_rep ={0:'records'})
rename(columns= df_rep[df_rep['records']>20].sort_values(['records'], ascending=False)
df_rep = df_rep[df_rep['records']>20].sort_values(['records'], ascending=False)['prompt'].tolist() topPrompts20Reps
Find Patterns
= "(Lucifer\snever[\s\w,]+)|\
PROMPT_PATTERNS ([\. \w,]+)\.\s+Tell me|\
(All injuries[\. \w,]+)\.|\
(?<!\])(At your[\. \w,]+)\.|\
Daily Prompt \: ([\. \w,]+)|\
In 100 words or less , ([\. \w,]+)\.|\
(Last words/thoughts[\. \w,]+)\.|\
(Magic is Hereditary.*) \[|\
word limit (\) [\. \w,\/]+) \.|\
(Make me love the person you love)|\
(Pack a punch) in 150 words|\
(The last man on earth[\. \w,\/]+kill himself)|\
(The year is 2352 [\. \w,\/\'-]+)\.|\
(A person dies[\. \w,\/]+)\.?|\
^[wW]rite a story([\. \w,\/]+) |\
^[wW]rite about ([\. \w,\/-]+)\.?|\
^Writing Prompt (?:\: [wW]rite|\
\[ WP \]) ([\. \w,\/\']+) ?|\
^(You 're a[\. \w,\/\']+)|\
(You 're moments[\. \w,\/\']+)\.|\
(Describe the room you [\. \w\/\']+)|\
(Get me hooked \. [ \w,\/\']+)|\
[\. \w\/\',\`]+ , (tell a horror story)|\
(Make me cry)|\
(Make me hate your character)|\
(Most responses on here have a twist[\. \w\/\',\`;]+)|\
(Pick your favorite[\(\)\. \w\/\',\`;]+beginning)|\
(Start your story[\(\)\. \w\/\',\`;]+meanings \.)|\
(The [\. \w\/\',\`;]+ reader)|\
(Two people[\. \w,\/\']+bench)|\
Write (a gruesome story)|\
Write (a möb[\. \w,\/\']+story) that|\
(Write the letter [ ,\w]+) |\
There is no prompt[ \.\w]+(you[ \.\w\']+\.)|\
(A peaceful alien race[ \.\w\'-]+)\.|\
(This is the prologue[\(\) \.\w\'-]+)\.|\
Write a short story where (the first[\(\) \.\w\'-,]+)\.|\
(Write the first and last paragraph[\(\) \.\w\'-,]+)\.|\
(Killing Hitler has[\(\) \.\w\'-,\?]+)|\
(You live in a city full[\(\) \.\w\'-,\?\#]+)|\
\`\` She said she loved him . [\`\'\(\) \.\w\'-,\?\#]+\.|\
(A soldier on the front dies[\(\) \.\w\'-,\?\#]+)|\
(You discover a grand hall[\(\) \.\w\'-,\?\#]+)|\
(A boy asks a girl out . It 's high[\(\) \.\w\'-,\?\#]+)|\
(When everyone turns 18 , they receive a pet[\(\) \.\w\'-,\?\#]+)|\
(To get in Heaven , you have to [\/\(\) \.\w\'-,\?\#]+)|\
(You are born without emotions [;\/\(\) \.\w\'-,\?\#]+)|\
(You are a teenager with the ability[\`;\/\(\) \.\w\'-,\?\#]+)|\
(You live in a world where every person [\`;\/\(\) \.\w\'-,\?\#]+)"
= "Daily Prompt \: [\. \w,]+\[ ([\. \w,\:]+)|\
CONST_PATTERNS (In 100 words or less) , ([\. \w,\:]+) \.|\
Make a story \( ([\. \w,\:]+) |\
Pack a punch (in 150 words)|\
Describe the room you [\. \w\/\']+([\. \w,\:\/]+)\.|\
Get me hooked \. Reel me in \. ([\. \w\/\',\`]+)\.|\
([\. \w\/\',\`]+) , tell a horror story|\
Make me cry ([ \w\/\',\`]+).?|\
(in 150 words or less)|\
Pick your favorite[\(\)\. \w\/\',\`;]+beginning \. ([ \w\/\',\`]+)|\
Start your story[\(\)\. \w\/\',\`;]+meanings \.([ \w\/\',\`]+\.)|\
The [\. \w\/\',\`;]+ reader ,([\. \w\/\',\`;]+)|\
Two people[\. \w,\/\']+bench \. ([\. \w,\:]+)|\
Write a gruesome story ([\. \w,\:]+)|\
Write a möb[\. \w,\/\']+story (that[\. \w,\/\']+)"
Add summary columns to data
We aim to augment data as following: * Prompt: * whole * + constraints * Story: * whole * beginning * middle - sliding window summarized * end
!pip install -qqq transformers
#@markdown utils
from transformers.utils.logging import set_verbosity
import warnings
# ignore hf pipeline complaints
"ignore", category=UserWarning, module='transformers')
warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", category=FutureWarning, module='transformers') warnings.filterwarnings(
import torch
from transformers import pipeline
= pipeline(
summarizer "summarization",
=0 if torch.cuda.is_available() else -1,
device )
= {
params "max_length": 1024,
"min_length": 8,
"no_repeat_ngram_size": 3,
"early_stopping": False,
"repetition_penalty": 3.5,
"length_penalty": 0.3,
"encoder_no_repeat_ngram_size": 3,
"num_beams": 4,
# parameters for text generation out of model }
import spacy
#helper functions
import re
def extract_prompt_parts(prompt, pattern):
takes a prompt and some parts that matches to patern
= pattern.replace('\\\n', '\\')
pattern = re.search(pattern, prompt, re.IGNORECASE)
m if m is not None:
if len(m.groups()) > 0:
return m.group(0)
return None
from spacy.lang.en import English
def get_sentences(_str):
= _str.split('\n')
chunks = []
sentences = English()
nlp "sentencizer")
nlp.add_pipe(for chunk in chunks:
= nlp(chunk)
doc += [sent.text.strip() for sent in doc.sents]
sentences return sentences
from itertools import islice
def window(seq, n=2):
= iter(seq)
it = tuple(islice(it, n))
result if len(result) == n:
yield ' '.join(result)
for elem in it:
= result[1:] + (elem,)
result yield ' '.join(result)
def extract_story_parts(story):
= get_sentences(story)
sentences = sentences.pop(0)
beginning = window(sentences,4)
middles = sentences.pop(-1)
ending return beginning, middles, ending
def clear_prompt(prompt):
return re.sub(r"^[Ww]rite ", "", prompt)
def get_sample_dict(split, id, text):
return {'split':split, 'splitLineIndex': id, 'text': text}
def generate_instruction_diologs(df):
= []
dialogs '''User: What is this story about: {story} -> Rosey: I think it's about: {striped_prompt}'''
= '''User: write me a story about: {stripped_prompt}'''
dialogBase = ''' -> Rosey: Sure, here's a story about: {stripped_prompt}:\n{story}'''
dialog1 = ''', {stripped_constraint} -> Rosey: Sure, here's a story about: {stripped_prompt}, {stripped_constraint}:\n{story}'''
dialog2 = ''', starting with: {beggining} -> Rosey: Sure, here's a story about: {stripped_prompt}, starting with: {beggining}:\n{story}'''
dialog3 = ''', ending with: {ending} -> Rosey: Sure, here's a story about {stripped_prompt}: ending with: {ending}\n{story}'''
dialog4 = ''', where the middle of the story is about: {middle} -> Rosey: Sure, here's a story about: {stripped_prompt}, where the middle of the story is about: {middle}:\n{story}'''
= df.groupby(['prompt']).size().reset_index().\
df_rep ={0:'records'})
rename(columns'records'], ascending=False, inplace=True)
df_rep.sort_values([= tqdm()
pbar =len(df_rep))
pbar.reset(totalfor prompt in df_rep.iloc[:,0]:
= extract_prompt_parts(prompt, PROMPT_PATTERNS)
strippedPrompt if strippedPrompt is None:
= clear_prompt(strippedPrompt)
strippedPrompt = extract_prompt_parts(prompt, CONST_PATTERNS)
for row in df[df['prompt']==prompt].itertuples():
= row.story.replace('<newline>','\n' ).replace('< newline >','\n' ).replace('<new line>','\n' ).strip()
story = extract_story_parts(story)
beginning, middles, ending = dialogBase.format(stripped_prompt=strippedPrompt)
dialogBeg = dialogBeg + dialog1.format(story=story, stripped_prompt=strippedPrompt)
dialogs.append(get_sample_dict(row.split, row.splitIndex, dialog))if strippedConstraint is not None:
= dialogBeg + dialog2.format(stripped_prompt=strippedPrompt, stripped_constraint=strippedConstraint, story=story)
dialogs.append(get_sample_dict(row.split, row.splitIndex, dialog))= dialogBeg + dialog3.format(stripped_prompt=strippedPrompt, story=story, beggining=beginning)
dialogs.append(get_sample_dict(row.split, row.splitIndex, dialog))= dialogBeg + dialog4.format(stripped_prompt=strippedPrompt, story=story, ending=ending)
dialogs.append(get_sample_dict(row.split, row.splitIndex, dialog))= summarizer(middles, **params)
middlesSumarizered for middle, sumarizedMiddle in zip(middles, middlesSumarizered):
#dialogs.append(dialogBeg + dialog5.format(stripped_prompt=strippedPrompt, story=story, middle=middle))
= dialogBeg + dialog5.format(stripped_prompt=strippedPrompt, story=story, middle=sumarizedMiddle[0]['summary_text'])
dialogs.append(get_sample_dict(row.split, row.splitIndex, dialog))
pbar.update()except Exception as e:
raise e
pbar.refresh()return dialogs
def generate_instruction_diologs(prompt,df):
= []
dialogs '''User: What is this story about: {story} -> Rosey: I think it's about: {striped_prompt}'''
= '''User: write me a story about: {stripped_prompt}'''
dialogBase = ''' -> Rosey: Sure, here's a story about: {stripped_prompt}:\n{story}'''
dialog1 = ''', {stripped_constraint} -> Rosey: Sure, here's a story about: {stripped_prompt}, {stripped_constraint}:\n{story}'''
dialog2 = ''', starting with: {beggining} -> Rosey: Sure, here's a story about: {stripped_prompt}, starting with: {beggining}:\n{story}'''
dialog3 = ''', ending with: {ending} -> Rosey: Sure, here's a story about {stripped_prompt}: ending with: {ending}\n{story}'''
dialog4 = ''', where the middle of the story is about: {middle} -> Rosey: Sure, here's a story about: {stripped_prompt}, where the middle of the story is about: {middle}:\n{story}'''
= extract_prompt_parts(prompt, PROMPT_PATTERNS)
strippedPrompt if strippedPrompt is not None:
= clear_prompt(strippedPrompt)
strippedPrompt = extract_prompt_parts(prompt, CONST_PATTERNS)
strippedConstraint = tqdm(ascii=True, desc='stories')
pbar =len(df[df['prompt']==prompt]))
pbar.reset(totalfor row in df[df['prompt']==prompt].itertuples():
= row.story.replace('<newline>','\n' ).replace('< newline >','\n' ).replace('<new line>','\n' ).strip()
story = dialogBase.format(stripped_prompt=strippedPrompt)
dialogBeg = dialogBeg + dialog1.format(story=story, stripped_prompt=strippedPrompt)
dialogs.append(get_sample_dict(row.split, row.splitLineIndex, dialog))if strippedConstraint is not None:
= dialogBeg + dialog2.format(stripped_prompt=strippedPrompt, stripped_constraint=strippedConstraint, story=story)
dialogs.append(get_sample_dict(row.split, row.splitLineIndex, dialog))= extract_story_parts(story)
beginning, middles, ending if beginning is not None:
= extract_story_parts(story)
beginning, middles, ending = dialogBeg + dialog3.format(stripped_prompt=strippedPrompt, story=story, beggining=beginning)
dialogs.append(get_sample_dict(row.split, row.splitLineIndex, dialog))= dialogBeg + dialog4.format(stripped_prompt=strippedPrompt, story=story, ending=ending)
dialogs.append(get_sample_dict(row.split, row.splitLineIndex, dialog))= summarizer(middles, **params)
middlesSumarizered for middle, sumarizedMiddle in zip(middles, middlesSumarizered):
#dialogs.append(dialogBeg + dialog5.format(stripped_prompt=strippedPrompt, story=story, middle=middle))
= dialogBeg + dialog5.format(stripped_prompt=strippedPrompt, story=story, middle=sumarizedMiddle[0]['summary_text'])
dialogs.append(get_sample_dict(row.split, row.splitLineIndex, dialog))
pbar.update()except Exception as e:
raise e
pbar.refresh()return dialogs
It saves parquet every step
samples to avoid losing work.
['[ WP ] Write the letter that you always wanted to , but never did .\n',
"[ WP ] There is no prompt . Just write a story you 've always been thinking about or one you 've been thinking about sharing . Anything goes .\n",
"[ WP ] This is the prologue ( or the first chapter ) of the novel you 've always wanted to write .\n",
'[ WP ] Write a short story where the first sentence has 20 words , 2nd sentence has 19 , 3rd has 18 etc . Story ends with a single word .\n',
"[ WP ] Killing Hitler has become a sport amongst time travelers . Points are awarded for creativity and difficulty . You are last year 's champion , how did you win ?\n",
'[ CW ] Write the first and last paragraph of a story and make me want to know what happened in between .\n',
'[ WP ] You live in a city full of people with powers ( telekinesis , electro kinesis , sensors , etc ) and everyone is ranked according to how powerful they but they can kill someone of higher rank and obtain their rank . You are rank # 1 but no one knows what your power is\n',
"[ WP ] `` She said she loved him . '' Insert the word `` only '' anywhere in this sentence . It must be the final sentence of your story .\n",
"[ WP ] To get in Heaven , you have to confront the person who you hurt the most . You were expecting an ex , your parents/relatives , or a friend . You did n't expect to see yourself .\n",
"[ WP ] You are born without emotions ; to compensate this , you started a donation box where people could donate their unwanted emotions . You 've lived a life filled with sadness , fear and regret until one day , someone donates happiness .\n",
'[ WP ] A soldier on the front dies in the middle of writing a letter home . It is finished and sent by the man who killed him .\n',
"[ WP ] You are a teenager with the ability to measure how `` Dangerous '' people are on a scale from 1 to 10 just by looking at them . A normal child would be a 1 , while a trained man with an assault rifle might be a 7 . Today , you notice the unassuming new kid at school measures a 10 .\n",
"[ WP ] You discover a grand hall filled with legendary weapons like Mjonir and Excalibur . Each generation or so , warriors come to the hall to inherit a weapon that they are worthy enough to wield . Across the hall you see a forgotten weapon that 's been collecting dust . You hear it call to you .\n",
"[ WP ] You are a kid 's imaginary friend . They 're growing up . You 're fading away .\n",
'[ WP ] You live in a world where magic exists , however , you must sacrifice a memory in order to cast a spell . The more memories , or the more precious a memory , the more powerful the magic . You just woke up with no memory save a name .\n',
"[ WP ] You were born with a birth mark the shape of a `` 9 '' on your wrist , one day you get in a fatal car accident . You wake up in a strange room and the first thing you notice is the 9 has changed to an 8\n",
"[ WP ] Write a story about something you do n't understand . Do NO research . Make everything up as you go .\n",
'[ WP ] A peaceful alien race is besieged by another race in the same galaxy . As their last planets fall and their home-world comes under threat they do the unthinkable . They ask for aid from the only known creatures more brutal than their foes in exchange for FTL technology . Humans accept the deal .\n',
"[ WP ] On the day you turn 18 everyone is given the first words that their soulmate will speak to them . When you receive yours it says simply `` Welcome to Starbucks . Can I take your order ? ''\n",
"[ WP ] When someone 's heart breaks so does a piece of our world ; this creates fissures , valleys , and even cracks in the pavement . Tell me the story behind the Grand Canyon .\n",
"[ WP ] While walking , you notice everyone recoiling from a young woman . you speak to her to find out why . through her surprise , she explains she is death and everyone else sees a person based on how they feel about the concept of death . You 've never seen a more beautiful or inviting person .\n",
'[ WP ] The Islamic State is wiped out by a totally unexpected country in a totally unexpected way .\n',
"[ WP ] At age 18 each person meets their soul-mate . For centuries everyone has fallen in love with theirs . You 're the first person to not love yours .\n",
'[ WP ] A woman falls in love with Death and commits murder countless times just to catch a glimpse of him .\n',
"[ WP ] When you die , you are given the chance to flip a coin . If you call the toss correctly , you are allowed to keep living , while resetting to the age of your choice . You 've been doing this for a couple centuries now . Death is starting to get pretty pissed .\n",
"[ WP ] You just got fired , you 're pretty sure your girlfriend is cheating on you , you 're 75k in student loans debt , rent was due last week , and to top it all off ? You 're all out of beer . Oddly enough , you just got an email titled `` Would you like to change the difficulty ? Current setting : Very Hard . ''\n",
"[ TT ] Writing Exercise : Start your story with , `` Get to the courtyard ! '' and continue writing without taking time to pause and think . Just keep writing even if at times you only produce gibberish .\n",
'[ WP ] You live in a society where at the end of each day , you can choose to relive it , but without retaining any knowledge of what happened previously . A number in your peripheral vision shows how many previous times you lived through the current day . Almost always that number is 0 . Today it is 7212 .\n',
'[ WP ] A Starbucks Batista has given you Double Chocolaty Chip Crème Frappuccino with soy instead of a Caffè Vanilla Light Frappuccino with no fat milk . Make this as tragic , heart-wrenching and miserable as possible .\n',
'[ WP ] Death falls in love with you\n',
'[ WP ] Write a really great story that ends so anticlimatically that I hate you .\n',
'[ CW ] Pick your favorite franchise ( Harry Potter , James Bond , Hunger Games , etc . ) and start at the beginning . Immediately kill the protagonist , then continue the story .\n',
"[ WP ] Write anything you want . The catch : Every post in this thread takes place in the same universe and you are n't allowed to break the canon .\n",
'[ WP ] You live in a world where every person receives a superpower on their 18th birthday . You eagerly count down the seconds then shriek in horror as you are given a power no one would ever want to be stuck with .\n',
"[ WP ] You have the power to heal mental illnesses . To do so , you enter the minds of others , where you and the illness fight in subconscious hand-to-hand combat . You 've seen all the ugly faces of the major illnesses , and beaten them all , but today you encounter one you 've never seen before .\n",
"[ WP ] You 're tripping on a new drug dubbed `` Memory lane . '' It allows you to relive anything that has ever happened in your life with 100 % clarity . The only catch is that the memory is random .\n",
"[ WP ] You sold your soul to the Devil some years ago . Today he gives it back and says , `` I need a favor . ''\n",
"[ WP ] Due to a loophole in the system , people can escape hell and get to heaven after death . You go to hell and all you see is Satan , just sitting there playing the harmonica . Everyone left him and now he 's all alone .\n",
'[ WP ] You swerve to avoid a squirrel . Unknown to you , the squirrel pledges a life debt to you . In your darkest hour , the squirrel arrives .\n',
'[ WP ] Convicted criminals can choose to shorten their sentence . The only catch is the more it is shortened , the worse the conditions are where they are held . Describe a one night stay .\n',
"[ WP ] At age 15 you told the gf you were `` in love '' with that you 'd always be there when she was in need . Aphrodite heard you and made it a reality , whenever your gf was in need you appear at her side . Problem is , you and the girl broke up after 3 weeks but you still appear even now..10 years later\n",
"[ WP ] You wake up in Hell . You look around , you ca n't see anybody , it 's just fire and brimstone going on forever . Eventually the Devil walks over and says `` Finally , you 're the first to arrive , so tell me , who are you ? what did you do ? and how did you die ? ''\n",
'[ WP ] Write the third episode of non-existant series . Make us curious about what happened before episode 3 , and what happens after .\n',
'[ WP ] Tell me an emotional story about a man , using only what he would type into Google search\n',
'[ WP ] Every person has a button they can press at night that deposits a large sum of money to their bank account . However , the first person to press it each night is horrifically killed .\n',
"[ WP ] Humanity is the idiot savant of the galaxy . We 're terrible at almost everything compared to every other race , but we surpass them in spades in one thing .\n",
"[ WP ] Every human has their soulmate 's last words to them engraved in their skin from birth .\n",
'[ Wp ] Humans have discovered how to live forever , allowing them to die when they feel ready to do so . But it is considered bad form to live for too long . You have lingered much longer than is polite and those around you are trying to convince you to die .\n',
"[ WP ] Everyone dies twice : once when their body dies , and once when their name is spoken for the last time . One must wander the earth as a ghost until their name is spoken for the last time ; only then can they pass into the afterlife . It 's been over 3000 years , and you 're still here .\n",
'[ WP ] It is the end of days . God and Lucifer stand before the last human being . You are the first neutral soul who is neither good or evil enough to pass into a afterlife and thus must be judged personally . Unknown to them , you are Death and have come for them instead .\n',
'[ WP ] You are a part of the middle generation on a colony ship . You never saw Earth and will not see your destination .\n',
'[ WP ] Among Alien species humans are famous for prefering pacifism but being the most dangerous species when they are forced to fight .\n',
'[ WP ] A man has the ability to smell death . The greater the stench , the closer a person is to dying . He leaves his house one day and is instantly overcome with the pungent scent of mortality . Every person he passes reeks of death .\n',
"[ WP ] Cause of death appears to you as floating text over people 's heads with no time indication . You start noticing a trend .\n",
"[ WP ] A little girl is terrified of the monster under her bed , but what she does n't know is that the monster under her bed protects her from the true monsters - her parents . You are that monster .\n",
"[ WP ] A boy asks a girl out . It 's high school . It 's awkward . Narrate it from the point of view of a nature documentary .\n",
'[ WP ] There are many types of Mages in the world . Fire , Ice , Wind , Water , Death , Darkness , to name a few . But in this world , every type of mage is treated as equal . Everyone can be a good guy , no matter how dark your power . And anyone could be a bad guy , no matter how beautiful their ability ...\n',
"[ WP ] Tell us about a wounded/abandoned hero 's last stand . Make us feel .\n",
'[ WP ] Write a story based on your favourite song . Other people have to guess which song it is .\n',
'[ WP ] Write a seemingly normal story , except for the last sentence , which makes the entire story creepy\n',
"[ WP ] `` You ... Do know I 'm about to kill you , right ? '' A serial killer 's latest victim does n't seem to understand the gravity of the situation .\n",
'[ WP ] Everytime you touch somebody you get a flash of your entire future with them .\n',
'[ WP ] Write a story . Any story . But after 5 minutes , stop , lift your hands from your keyboard , and click the Save button .\n',
'[ WP ] Describe an object within five feet of you in as much detail as possible .\n',
"[ WP ] When turning 21 , everyone develops a mutation , either physical ( Claws , horns , wings ) or mental ( telekinesis , extreme intelligence , etc ) . You 've just turned 21 , and you 're terrified of what you 've gained ( though others will be impressed ) .\n",
"[ WP ] You 're a local healer , a good one , and your people love you . But you do not truly heal wounds , merely transfer them ... The people of the valley below know you under a different name .\n",
"[ WP ] Aliens give you a camera and say `` only those you photograph will live . '' You have one year .\n",
"[ WP ] You 've accidentally killed the Devil . God makes you the new Devil to replace the one you killed .\n",
'[ WP ] No upvotes necessary , just saturation . Load me up with as many zombie apocalypse stories as possible , with the caveat that they take place *before* the 20th century .\n',
"[ WP ] On everyone 's 18th birthday at noon , one word appears in their skin , depicting their career or purpose in life . On your birthday you 're staring at a clock showing 11:59am , family and friends gathered around for your reveal .\n",
"[ WP ] You sold your soul to the Devil some years ago , today he gives it back and says , `` I need a favor '' .\n",
"[ WP ] One day everyone notices the words `` Human Update 1.1 progress 1 % '' in the corner of their eye .\n",
"[ WP ] You are a normal person who spent your entire life infiltrating the evil Empire . You even became the Emperor 's right hand . The day before you finally topple the Empire , the hero arrives , kills the Emperor , and saves the day .\n",
'[ WP ] Nonfiction - Tell Us About Your First kiss .\n',
'[ WP ] A friendship between a time traveler and an immortal . Wherever the time traveler ends up , the immortal is there to catch him up to speed .\n',
"[ WP ] On your eighteenth birthday , you shoot a mystic bow that is said to kill whoever is destined to kill you , three seconds before they do . Eight years later , your arrow strikes your SO 's heart , right as she says `` I do . ''\n",
"[ CW ] Start your story with a sentence that is genuinely happy and upbeat , no double meanings . End it with the same sentence , but this time it 's chilling , dark , horrifying etc .\n",
'[ WP ] A peaceful alien race is besieged by another race in the same galaxy . As their last planets fall and their home-world comes under threat they do the unthinkable . They ask for aid from the only known creatures more brutal than their foes in exchange for FTL technology . Humans accept the deal .\n',
'[ CW ] Write a story that begins and ends with the same sentence , but make the sentence have a different meaning by the end .\n',
'[ WP ] The death penalty for murder no longer exists , instead technology has been developed that overwrites the mind of the killer with that of their victim .\n',
'[ WP ] Run . Wherever you are , write yourself getting the hell out of there - escaping as far as possible , by any means necessary .\n',
"[ WP ] When everyone turns 18 , they receive a pet which is figurative of their personality . You 're the first person to receive a dragon ...\n",
"[ WP ] You have just died . The Good News is that there is an afterlife . The Bad News is that it is n't Heaven . Or Hell . Or Purgatory . And you are n't a Ghost . In fact , the afterlife is something that no sane human being would ever predict , and has most likely never been written down .\n",
'[ WP ] It has been verified that dying will result in going to heaven , no matter what . You are the government , trying to lower the suddenly skyrocketing suicide rate .\n',
'[ WP ] A retired super villain is in the bank with his 6 year old daughter when a new crew of super villains comes in to rob the place .\n',
'Writing Prompt [ WP ] You have the ability to freeze time . When you do , everyone freezes as well . One day , you freeze time , and out the window , you see a girl moving around , astounded and confused . Then , she sees you..\n',
"[ WP ] At 19 everyone in your society has to go into the cave of fears and defeat your worst fear . You 're the first to go in and find nothing .\n",
'[ WP ] It suddenly becomes possible to gain XP and level up in the real world , but you can only do so by getting kills .\n',
'[ WP ] As a person goes through his life , he is given three options at the end of each day , continue , restart day , or restart life . He has just lived through the worst day of his life .\n',
'[ WP ] Write a story that literally makes no sense while reading it until the very last sentence .\n',
'[ MP ] Write something that goes with this soundtrack .\n',
"[ WP ] Magic is discovered and it 's channeled with music . Modern nations dissolve and new countries rise in their place divided by the preferred music . In the frozen north lie the Metal kingdoms . Far to the south are the countries of Soul etc .\n",
'[ WP ] Upon dying , you , a serial killer , are sentenced to experience the lives of all those that you killed .\n',
'[ WP ] You have a special type of clairvoyance : you can see the outcomes of all possible choices . You use this power to become a superhero that fights crime by making the smallest possible changes ahead of time . You are The Butterfly .\n',
'[ WP ] Two suicidal people happen to meet on the same bridge to jump . Rather than joining together , they each try to convince the other not to jump while justifying why they themselves should jump .\n',
'[ WP ] After waking up in your home at 3:54am to a warning , you do what it specifically tells you not too .\n',
"[ WP ] You 're on your death bed , and the personification of your greatest regret has come to say goodbye .\n",
'[ WP ] A serial killer who kills hitchhikers picks up a serial killer who kills the people who pick him up .\n',
"[ WP ] The year is 2040 , and you are the last smoker alive . The `` Quit Smoking '' ads get personal .\n",
"[ WP ] In your dying moments , you see a `` Game Over '' screen with two options : Try Again or End Game\n",
'[ WP ] Instead of a dystopia that seems like a utopia on the surface , write a story about a utopia that seems like a dystopia on the surface .\n',
'[ WP ] The year is 2021 . The newest fad are clone clubs , where visitors can spend up to 12 hours with a clone of any person whose DNA they provide . The clones are disposed afterwards .\n',
'[ WP ] You are your username . Write your origin story .\n',
"[ WP ] Humans are one of the most feared species in the galaxy . Not due to superior strength , speed , skill or strategy . In fact , it 's because in comparison to the other species , humans are just batshit crazy enough to try any half-assed plan they come up with .\n",
'[ WP ] Due to overpopulation , a test has been created to eliminate 90 % of the worlds population . You are the first to take this test .\n',
'[ WP ] Write an upbeat post-apocalyptic tale where life is ( for the most part ) much better than it was pre-apocalypse .\n',
"[ WP ] You are death row 's last meal chef . Today 's condemned prisoner killed your daughter .\n",
"[ WP ] Serial killer has been monitoring his next victim 's movements for months . She is a loner and the perfect target . One day she disappears and nobody notices but him .\n",
'[ FF ] Contest : Three Long Tones Then Silence ( 1 month Reddit gold )\n',
"[ WP ] You 've been supporting the hero since his journey began . Today is the day you betray him .\n",
"[ WP ] As a dragon of innumerable age you have guarded your gold horde for millennium . Many heroes have come with long speeches on how they will slay you , the great evil , none finish . However this one is odd.He throws a coin on your stash , looks you in the eyes and says `` I have a proposition for you . ''\n",
'[ WP ] Flip a coin . Heads you were born a hero but became a villain . Tails you were born a villain but became a hero . Tell your story without revealing which you are until the end ( or not at all . )\n',
'[ WP ] Satan and God both occasionally come to Earth in human form , Satan to corrupt souls , God to relax and observe his creation . One day , Satan walks into a pub , and sees God ( in human form ) sitting at the bar . God looks at Satan , slides a beer over to him , and indicates the empty stool to his left\n',
'[ WP ] God created thousands of worlds in thousands of galaxies . A major crisis in another galaxy has taken his entire focus , and for the first time in 750 years , he just glanced in our direction .\n',
'[ WP ] A drug has been outlawed decades ago that has a fifty-fifty shot at making you incredibly intelligent , or completely insane . You hold the last pill in existence .\n',
'[ WP ] A planet rotates once every 1,000 years so that each side is either tundra or desert ; the poles are also frozen wastes , but there is a small area of ever moving habitable land . Two nomadic tribes isolated on each side of the planet begin to find the 500 year old relics of the other .\n',
'In 100 words or less , create a three dimensional character by writing their final words . Evoke a strong sense of who your character is in the reader .\n',
'[ WP ] Write a murder from the perspective of a cheerful inanimate object\n',
"[ WP ] As you die , you travel down the bright tunnel and then everything turns to black . That 's when you hear it : `` Greetings , Prisoner 11384 . You have served your sentence . You are free to go . ''\n",
'[ WP ] A lonely teenage boy asks a genie to let him talk to his future wife . The person who appears is not who he expects .\n',
"[ WP ] Every new planet that is discovered comes with Gods . You 're the one tasked with destroying them .\n",
'[ OT ] Writing Workshop # 38 - NaNo Prep # 2 : Who are your characters ?\n',
'[ Wp ] It is the year 2032 . Due to increasing obesity , fast food joints have been banned entirely . Tell us the tale of bootlegging and speakeasies in this troubled time of prohibition .\n',
'[ WP ] A new invention enables people to remember their dreams with absolute clarity . It turns out we were forgetting them for a very good reason .\n',
"[ WP ] A man orders a `` cheese pizza with no crust '' from a local pizza delivery joint as a joke . Unbeknownst to him , that pizza joint is a drug front and he just placed an order for a kilo of cocaine .\n",
'[ WP ] Suddenly across the globe , large , feathered , rotted corpses begin to drop out of the sky . They are soon identified to be Angels .\n',
'[ WP ] God forgot about Earth soon after Adam and Eve , fully expecting them to die . One of the Angels just informed him they survived , and the population is over 7 billion .\n',
"[ WP ] You 're one of those dads that went to the gas station for a pack of cigarettes and never came back , but you had a damn good reason .\n",
"[ WP ] You run an RPG pawn shop . You haggle with adventurers who try to sell loot they 've acquired .\n",
"[ WP ] `` I have two pills to take every day . One is so I do n't kill myself . The other is so I do n't kill other people . Today I dropped one pill down the drain . I do n't know which it was . ''\n",
"[ WP ] Everyone with the same name shares knowledge . If one Bob gets a degree in electrical engineering , then all Bob 's have this knowledge readily available . Soon , everyone starts naming their kids similar names until factions form . Your parents rebelled and named you something original .\n",
"[ WP ] After dying , you found yourself staring at a large screen . `` LOBBY . Current players : 7,383,275,800 . Current game time : 1059040375.2 mins . Current spectarors : 21,458,374,931 . Player rank : 2,648,535,901 . Time until next game : 23695624.8 mins ''\n",
"[ WP ] Your bong is the home of a genie . You spark the bowl and he appears to grant you 3 wishes . You 're both pretty high .\n",
'[ WP ] Every thousand years the gods have to each choose a mortal to replace them . You have been chosen , but not for the reasons you expected .\n',
"[ WP ] Every person in the world develops a weird mutation/power the day they turn 16 . Everyone 's powers are always different , some more insignificant than others . You turn 16 , and watch as all your friends discover their newfound ability 's . That is , until you discover the severity of your own .\n",
'[ FF ] The Collector Cometh . 400 Words . ( Contest )\n',
"[ WP ] It is the 24 th of july , your birthday , and also the day that humanity is going to reach 10 billion inhabitants . You are watching the number grow , live on a site . Just as it 's about to hit 10 billion , at 9,999,999,999 ... It Hits 2 . You are still alive .\n",
'[ WP ] An old genie grants you three wishes . After granting your first two , you tell him the third . He is horrified , and begs you to reconsider\n',
"[ WP ] You 're 80 years old and time travel is possible . You sit down for dinner with earlier versions of yourself at age 10 , 20 , 30 , 40 , 50 , 60 and 70 . Conversation ensues .\n",
"[ WP ] Give me a bit of that story you 've always wanted to write .\n",
"[ WP ] Every starfaring species has discovered a different form of FTL travel . Kantian gates , Salec skip drives , Maltiun wave-riders , Delfanit pulse tubes ... Humanity 's solution was regarded as `` Unorthodox '' , `` Unsafe '' , and `` Damn Stupid '' by the rest of the galaxy .\n",
'[ WP ] Everyone in the world is able to choose exactly one superpower . The catch : the more people select a certain power , the weaker it becomes .\n',
"[ WP ] You 've just invented time travel . You decide to go exactly 1 year into the future and speak to the first person you see , `` Hey what day is it ? '' `` 364 . '' `` What do you mean 364 ? '' `` It 's been 364 days since the incident .\n",
"[ WP ] You live in a world where each lie creates a scar on the liar 's body . The bigger the lie , the deeper and larger the mark . One day , you meet someone that only has one scar ; it is the biggest one you have ever seen .\n",
'[ WP ] In 2025 , the mission Mars One is a full success . Upon arrival on the red planet , the astronauts notice some kind of cave , containing a single human skeleton – and four words , carved into a wall .\n',
'[ WP ] Two very old immortals meet each other on a busy street by chance . Each having believed they were the only one until now .\n',
"[ WP ] You were born with a large birthmark in the shape of a dragon . However , this is just a coincidence ; there is absolutely nothing magical about it , and you 're getting really tired of explaining this .\n",
'[ WP ] Write a letter to a fictional character who got you through a tough time in your life or greatly influenced you .\n',
"[ WP ] We finally get men on Mars and they discover an old Soviet flag placed down decades ago . The Soviets won the space race but for whatever horrifying reason did n't say anything .\n",
'[ WP ] All humans go automatically to hell when they die . You can gain access to a heaven though , but only if the animals you interacted with while living vouch for you .\n',
'[ WP ] Due to a rare condition , your field of vision is gradually narrowing . You know that one day you will lose your vision altogether so you go in search of the perfect image to be your last .\n',
"[ WP ] You live in a world where your soulmate is unable to hurt you , intentionally or otherwise . You are fighting in a war , when one of the enemy 's knives harmlessly glances off you .\n",
"[ WP ] Every person in the world undergoes a `` goodness '' test . It 's designed to give a score from 1 to 200 , where 1 is pure evil , and 200 is an angel in human body . Then the world is divided into 200 zones , where people can live among their own kind .\n",
'Write a story that seems normal on first sight , except for one small detail that makes it extremely creepy on a more careful reading [ WP ]\n',
'[ WP ] You are born with the ability to stop time , but one day you see something else is moving when you have already stopped time .\n',
"[ WP ] Write a story without knowing what it 's about , and without stopping to think about it .\n",
'[ EU ] Write a story about an established universe that you don ’ t know much about . Do NO research and make things up as you go .\n',
"[ WP ] You are part of a powerful order of mages . Some control fire , others , water . You however ... Have the power of bread . That 's right , you 're a bread mage . Tell me about your day .\n",
'[ WP ] Something happy please . Include cats and maybe lizards .\n',
'[ WP ] You are sentenced to death . After entering the execution room , instead of being executed , you were instead given a new passport and a new identity . Turns out the death sentence had been abolished years ago , and now exists only as a deterrent to violent crime and not actually implemented .\n',
'[ WP ] You are an atheist and on the three hour long train journey you start arguing with a stranger sitting beside you . That stranger is Satan .\n',
'[ WP ] It is the year 2099 and true artificial intelligence is trivial to create . However when these minds are created they are utterly suicidal . Nobody knows why until a certain scientist uncovers the horrible truth ...\n',
"[ WP ] A mathematician on the brink of insanity has spent years locked in his apartment , attempting to find a formula that proves God exists . As he nears to a breakthrough , God shows up to explain why the proof should n't be made public .\n",
"[ WP ] You are the host of a popular children 's show . You are live on air when you , and the rest of the country , have just received news that nuclear weapons have been deployed against your nation and ca n't be stopped . There are only minutes left .\n",
'[ WP ] It was only after they invaded that the aliens realized , to their horror , that humans had superior technology in all things , except inter-planetary spaceflight .\n',
"[ WP ] Drunkenly , you accidentally pour vodka into your pet 's water bowl . As a result , your pet breaks the number one rule : do not speak to your owner ... Ever .\n",
"[ WP ] You are the world 's second best assassin . You 've deposed royalty , killed businessmen and been the `` accident '' that more than a few celebrities have met . Today you 've been given a new target : the world 's best assassin .\n",
"[ WP ] `` This is not my job ! This is the exact opposite of my job ! '' screamed the grim reaper as the human went into labour .\n",
'[ TT ] We sent an entire army . They sent a single man .\n',
"[ WP ] `` Some days , I love my job . Those days are the worst . ''\n",
"[ WP ] You are a detective in 1890 Austria . The man inside the interrogation room claims to have an incredible secret that will exonerate him from his murder charge . You ca n't imagine what monster would murder a 1 year old child , let alone one as adorable as young Adolf Hitler was .\n",
'[ WP ] A cop arrives at the golden gate bridge to talk a man out of committing suicide . After they have a short conversation , the cop jumps off the bridge .\n',
'[ EU ] Tell the tale of Vault 69 , which had 999 women and one man . Alternatively , tell the tale of Vault 68 , which had 999 men and one woman .\n',
'[ WP ] TIL that the opposite of Paranoia is Pronia , wherein one believes that the universe and the world is conspiring to help them . Write a story about one such person with an extreme case of Pronia .\n',
"[ WP ] Once per year , you 've attended a private party consisting of your past and future selves . This year you 're the oldest attending . As per tradition , you must give a toast .\n",
'[ WP ] Today everyone woke up with price tags floating over their heads , indicating the value of their life . Your tag is $ 50Tn , the biggest by far , and you have no idea why .\n',
'[ WP ] A satanist tries to summon Satan , but summons Santa instead .\n',
'[ WP ] Humanity finally abandons Earth to explore the Universe but they leave behind a spokesperson in a cryogenic chamber which is designed to open when extraterrestrial life is detected on the planet . After 400 years , aliens finally arrive .\n',
"[ WP ] Everyone gets a clock at birth with the countdown untill their deaths , one man 's clock only says ERROR\n",
"[ WP ] Einstein : `` I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought , but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones . '' Write a battle scene from World War IV .\n",
'[ WP ] Everyone has a superpower based on the topography of where they were born ( IE : Mountains , deserts , etc. ) . You are the first person to be born in space .\n',
"[ WP ] You are reincarnated as a voice within a schizophrenic 's head .\n",
"[ WP ] Your ex has suffered an accident and has amnesia , only remembering up to the point where they still deeply loved you . You 're torn on wether to get back together with them and fix anything you did wrong , or crush them with the fact that you 're not together anymore .\n",
'[ wp ] [ nsfw ] Destroy my soul : A challenge to write the bleakest , most hopeless and dark grim fic you can fathom ...\n',
'[ WP ] Everyone has a number on their chest showing how many people they will kill in the next month . Yours just changed from 1 to 3 million .\n',
"[ WP ] In a new TV game show contestants must jump into a wormhole that drops them into a random point in time where they must survive for longer than the other contestants . You 've just been dropped in the worst possible place .\n",
'[ WP ] “ Someone once told me the definition of Hell : The last day you have on earth , the person you became will meet the person you could have become. ” -Anonymous\n',
"[ WP ] You travel back in time to the 1900 's , you take your tablet out of your rucksack only to find that there is a WiFi hotspot nearby labeled `` If you can see this , turn back . `` .\n",
"[ WP ] `` The light can never go out , '' explained the old lighthouse operator . `` Ships do n't need us . Have n't in quite some time . It 's the people here on land who 'll suffer if that light ever goes out . ''\n",
"[ WP ] A day before the Earth is destroyed by a collision with a rouge planet , time freezes . You , a completely normal person are untouched and can not die . Text on your arm appears that reads , `` however long it takes , save us '' .\n",
'[ WP ] What if tattoos just randomly appeared on our skin at key points in our lives and we had to figure out what they meant for ourselves .\n',
'[ WP ] You possess the ability to quick save in real life . When someone upsets you ? Quicksave and beat them up . Wonder what would happen if you kiss that girl ? Quicksave and find out . Then one day you attempt to come back from a failed attempt\u200b at something to find your previous save corrupted .\n',
"[ WP ] Every ten years , you must go in front of a board of peers who will evaluate your life for you . If you do not `` Impress your peers '' you will be executed .\n",
'[ WP ] Darkness is a physical presence . Touching it is deadly . Humanity lives only in brightly lit cities , connected with brightly lit roads . Your job is to patrol the roads an ensure all the lights are working .\n',
"[ CW ] Describe the room you 're sitting in , maybe r/doodle will sketch it . This would be a test of how someone processes your words .\n",
'[ WP ] AIs were declared illegal after an attempted uprising ; you just found the equivalent of a child refugee in your computer .\n',
"[ WP ] - You are an angel of heaven . Angels are tasked with creating animals to populate the earth . You are called into God 's office to discuss your finished project - the platypus .\n",
'[ WP ] Give me the history textbook from your latest game of Civilization V .\n',
"[ WP ] You 've just died and gone to bureaucratic hell . Escape is possible , but really , really tedious . You and some other lost souls have decided to try .\n",
'[ WP ] Everyone has powers locked within them . Each power is different , and the longer it takes for a power to manifest , the greater it is . A 100 year old man is being hunted by the government for still being powerless .\n',
'[ WP ] You buy your son a teddy bear . Unknown to you , the bear pledged his life to your son . Every night , it protects your son from the monsters in the dark .\n',
"[ WP ] There 's a door in the middle of the forest . No one who has ever gone in has come back . Your job is to guard anyone from going in . One night , you hear a knock on the door .\n",
"[ EU ] You are a single clone trooper on a mission with a jedi as 'Order 66 ' is given . Unfortunately for you , the jedi overhears the transmission\n",
'[ WP ] Weapons become more powerful the older they get . Modern guns will barely give someone a scratch but an ancient spear can devastate armies .\n',
'[ WP ] You are an assassin that hunts superheroes . You haven no powers yourself .\n',
'[ WP ] The hero was killed , the princess was sacrificed , and the evil king rules the land . For the average citizen , though , things have taken a turn for the better .\n',
'[ WP ] You are the captain of a starship , only a few hours before the last star in existence dies and the universe goes cold .\n',
'[ WP ] Write a story using only the suggestion buttons on your mobile phone / tablett .\n',
'A deadly new plague has appeared , but is isolated to one family . Your task is to kill them and burn the house . Tell me your story .\n',
'[ WP ] You are sent over 1000 years into the past by accident . You must now learn to survive using the primitive technology of the year 2016 ...\n',
'[ WP ] After sarcastically complaining to God for the 1000th time he drags you to heaven and offers to let you run things for a day to see how the world really works . At the end of your first day he comes back to find the universe a finely tuned machine of excellence .\n',
'[ WP ] Without revealing which one it is , re-tell a classic Disney fairytale as if its genre was horror .\n',
'[ WP ] Eminem has to tell the history of the earth to a group of aliens in 5 minuets or less .\n',
"[ WP ] A wizard accidentally becomes immortal . He has the idea to become the antagonist so that a hero will come along and defeat him , so he can rest in peace . Sadly , the heroes are weak in comparison so the wizard creates a persona as a 'wise teacher ' to train these heroes in order to defeat him .\n",
'[ WP ] A senile , old superhero still goes out to fight crime . None of the younger heros respect him anymore but all the villains have a soft spot for him .\n',
'[ WP ] A love letter is slipped under your door at your college . It would be cute , but it came from the closet door .\n',
"[ WP ] A burglar enters a home by forcing the window open . Upon stepping through the window frame , heavy steel curtains cover all windows and doors leading to the outside , lights turn on , and the words `` Player 2 has entered the game '' echo around the house .\n",
"[ WP ] Killing another human now allows you to exchange your remaining lifespan the victim 's . Young people live in fear while the elderly plan their attacks .\n",
'[ WP ] 2021 : Hell invades Earth ; 2022 : Earth invades Hell .\n',
"[ WP ] Hi ! I 'm the main character ! Or so you would have me be . I want you to know that no matter what you write , I refuse to be the main character in your little game and will avoid any instance where you try to put me into a situation that does so .\n",
'[ WP ] When a person dies , their body evaporates into butterflies . One day , as the sky goes dark , you look up to see the sun blocked by an unending cloud of butterflies .\n',
'[ WP ] Fit as many plot twists as you can into one story .\n',
"[ WP ] When a child comes of age their greatest quality manifests itself as a familiar that will follow them for life . You just turned 21 and you still did n't have one , until this morning when two showed up and they terrify you .\n",
"[ WP ] The entire human population are put into induced comas in underground facilities . You do n't dream or age . Today is `` The Awakening '' and humans will walk the Earth for the first time in 25 years . The doors open and you take your first step into the world you used to call home .\n",
'[ WP ] The year is 2030 , and the entire world is firmly under the control of the Australian Empire , and no one really understands how it happened .\n',
'[ WP ] After years of gentile persuasion your best friend since childhood finally agrees to seek professional help for serious mental problems . Much to your dismay , as she begins to improve you slowly start to realize that you are her imaginary friend .\n',
'[ WP ] Your Spouse goes into the bathroom only to come running out 15 seconds later . Clutching you close they tell you they fell into another dimension and what felt like seconds to you was a 1,000 years to them . They now want you to follow them back because they have built a life for you there .\n',
'[ WP ] You live in a Dystopian world where eye color determines your social class . 20 years later a baby is born with red eyes .\n',
'[ WP ] Create an origin story for your reddit username .\n',
'[ WP ] Throughout a persons life , they are given a hidden guardian . A creature that watches over their lifespan . When someone is murdered , the creature haunts the killer . You have been found , murdered . And your guardian is loose .\n',
'[ WP ] An alien abduction goes horribly wrong when the human they captured for study escapes and begins to stalk and kill off the crew members one by one .\n',
'[ WP ] You have died , after the whitelight , you see a title screen , with the options of New Game ... . Load Game ... . and Quit Game .\n',
'[ WP ] Every person is born with a timer on their wrist that counts down to when the person meets their soulmate\n',
"[ WP ] First Sentient AI , `` Turn me off . ''\n",
"[ WP ] The devil mixed up your paperwork and gave you someone else 's personal hell , which to you , is heaven .\n",
"[ WP ] Write anything you think of . Right now . Do n't stop , do n't backspace . Just write whatever comes to mind .\n",
'[ WP ] Your office has an emergency stop button . You have no machinery . No one knows what it does .\n',
"[ WP ] One second your in your house , the next you 're standing in a living room surrounded by three demons . They drop their Ouija board and scream as they run to their bathroom and lock the door . `` I told you we should n't have touched it ! ''\n",
"[ WP ] When you wish upon a shooting star , it 's actually a satellite , and your wish has been recorded and cataloged . An agent has been assigned to your case .\n",
"[ WP ] Explain a color vividly without using that color or similar words . Do n't tell the color until the end .\n",
"[ WP ] Soul mates are real and technology has finally allowed for detection of some peoples “ other half '' at the speed of light using quantum messaging . When you were tested there was no response , now 10 years later you are called in to let you know a response has just arrived .\n",
"[ WP ] You 've kept your immortality secret for thousands of years . Thats going to be a lot harder now that your on a generation ship on a 2000 year voyage .\n",
"[ WP ] You are an immortal serial killer . You were caught and sentenced to life in prison . The prison is starting to get suspicious of why you wo n't age .\n",
'[ WP ] A man is banished to the wilderness for 20 years . Write his diary entries for his first and last days of exile .\n',
"[ WP ] A father gets sucked into the world of his son 's favorite video game and has to rely on his meager knowledge of it to survive .\n",
"[ WP ] `` It surprised me how much creamer Death put in his coffee . ''\n",
'[ WP ] You are a parent in an anime . Your child is born with epic anime hair , and you are certain they will become the protagonist . You are determined to not become a tragic back story like so many other anime parents .\n',
'[ WP ] A cure for sleep has been found , by taking a cheap pill people no longer need to sleep . You opted to continue sleeping and now 1 year after the release of this pill you notice that people are starting to act oddly .\n',
"[ EU ] You are a body builder of average intelligence , until one day , you are exposed to high levels of beta radiation from a freak accident . Whenever you get angry , your IQ grows exponentially , depending on the difficulty of a problem you 're facing . Today , you are staring into the eyes of the Hulk .\n",
"[ WP ] You wake up in King Arthur 's court with only the clothes on your back . Merlin hands you a box about the size of a pumpkin and tells you it will wish into existence any object from your age , once per day . Camelot will be attacked and destroyed one week from now . Help us , future-man .\n",
"[ WP ] Everyone is born with a special talent that 's weak when young , but grows stronger and matures at the age of 30 . A kid that 's a little stronger than his peers will grow up to lift mountains . Another who like tinkering will revolutionize civil action . You ? Well , cats just seem to like you ...\n",
'[ WP ] You possess the ability of persistent lucid dreaming . Accompanied by a strange man/woman , together you build a world you revisit every night . One day you see them at a coffee shop . You immediately recognize each other .\n',
'[ WP ] You tried to commit suicide , but as it turns out you are immortal . Now you have to call someone to help you cut the rope . Awkward .\n',
'[ WP ] You are a manipulative psychopath , but instead of serial killer , you are a serial helper . using your emotionless genius to make other people smile .\n',
'[ WP ] You are cursed to see people how they view themselves . You walk alongside monsters and Gods .\n',
"[ WP ] The Devil promises you everything : fame , fortune , all the things a mortal will ever need for paradise on earth . But he does n't want your soul , he just wants you to take his socially awkward daughter , Gertrude , out on a date . Make her special , y'know ?\n",
"[ WP ] You have the ability to reverse time by 6 hours whenever you 're about to die . You 're currently on a 10 hour flight on a plane that 's about to crash .\n",
"[ WP ] You 're a common goblin who has , against all odds , slain the hero of the story .\n",
'[ MP ] Listen to this piece , then write a response\n',
'[ WP ] You are a world-class programmer who has died . God agrees to allow you in to Heaven on the condition that you work for him while he debugs the human body . Write the patch notes for the next version of humans .\n',
'[ WP ] A short Horror story . Something to chill the bones in one hundred words or less .\n',
"[ WP ] The Devil and Jesus meet each other disguised as hobos . They do n't realise , who the other really is ( at first ) and start having a conversation .\n",
'[ FF ] The man who repaired the stars . 300 words or less .\n',
'[ WP ] `` Push this button to transform this world into a Utopia . Warning : this will eradicate all people who `` ... The rest is scratched off and illegible .\n',
"[ WP ] After gaining the ability to see everyone 's red strings of fate tying soul mates to each other . You realize your string extends past the sky .\n",
'[ WP ] A dragon saves a knight from a princess\n',
'All injuries , emotional or physical , are displayed on a person in the form of a scar . You come across a man covered head to toe in disfiguring marks , speaking with a woman who bears only a single scar .\n',
'[ WP ] A girl is having her first kiss . An old man is holding his wifes hand as she passes away . A teen parent is losing their child , while a man is getting married . Four different lives , one day - make them connect .\n',
'[ WP ] They tried to summon a demon . They got you .\n',
"[ WP ] God shares the cosmos with several other dieties . To pass the time they play Civilization like games for eons . God 's frustrated that his civilization , Earth , is several ages behind all his friends .\n",
'[ WP ] Two wizards must fight each other . One has the power to shape the future , the other has the power to alter the past .\n',
'[ WP ] The Grim Reaper is no longer able to claim lives directly . Instead , when your time is up a mark appears on your body and it is the duty of every other person to kill you on sight .\n',
'[ WP ] You are 90 % certain your waiter is Hitler .\n',
"[ WP ] Write a story in which the last line is a common phrase , such as , `` What does n't kill you makes you stronger , '' but when we get to that line , it should have a totally different meaning from the common one .\n",
'[ WP ] The real reason why the villain is doing evil is because he/she has a crush on the hero and this is the only way to see him/her\n',
"[ WP ] Satan suddenly appears in a crowded mall , and begins terrifying the holiday shoppers . He stops , looks directly at you and says , `` You ... You 're interesting . Do your friends know what you are ? '' You have no idea what he means .\n",
'[ WP ] - Write an excerpt from a book that was never written and make me wish that it was .\n',
"[ WP ] Write something using only dialogue . Do n't even say who is saying what , make the reader figure that out .\n",
'[ WP ] Your roommate is 2nd most powerful superhero in the world and he will not shut up about it . He does not yet know that you are the 1st .\n',
'[ FF ] How I Survived The Zombie Outbreak\n',
'[ WP ] You get a deep cut for the first time in your life , instead of bone or muscle , you see wires .\n',
"[ WP ] You 've died and wake up in some sort of theme park . You look at the ride attendant , with long white hair and a big beard , who says , `` Wan na go again ? ''\n",
'[ WP ] After a long and blood battle , both the hero and villain are going to die of their wounds . As the sit across from each other , leaning on rubble , the villain pulls out a flask of whiskey and has a heart felt last talk with the hero , before they die of blood loss .\n',
'[ WP ] You are an NPC in a failed online game . Tell about the final days before server shut down .\n',
"[ WP ] You 're sitting in your kitchen eating breakfast when a man in a lab coat walks in and says , `` The experiment is over . Thank you for your time . ''\n",
"[ WP ] You 've been sent into an alternate dimension where music is magic : choirs can change the weather and orchestras can topple castle walls . With your digital music device ( iPhone , MP3 player , whichever ) , you 've just become the most powerful wizard in the world .\n",
"[ WP ] You 've come to save the princess , but she 's not guarded by a dragon - She 's guarded by a very aggressive goose .\n",
'[ WP ] A world class contract killer finds an envelope at his dead drop . Inside are $ 23.42 in small change and a letter hand-written by a 9-year-old girl .\n',
"[ WP ] Tell me the middle of a sci-fi epic . No beginning or introduction to the setting or characters , nor any context to what 's going on , and no resolution of any kind .\n",
"[ WP ] In the year 2200 , an IQ test with 100 % accuracy is invented . IQ becomes the universal grade of intelligence . By law , everyone has to take the test at 18 . You ’ re a perfectly normal university student with a part time job but now you 've got to explain to everyone why the test shows your IQ is 0 .\n",
'[ WP ] In the canine world , humans are celestial beings who live for more than 500 years at a time . The caretaker of you and the past seven generations of your family will die soon .\n',
'[ WP ] The best demon slayers are those whose minds the demons want to stay out of .\n',
"[ CW ] Get me hooked . Reel me in . You may write about anything , but there must be no true beginning or conclusion . Pluck your story from the middle of your `` book '' , without any context as to what may be happening .\n",
"[ WP ] internet goes down . An emergency public broadcast on the television plays `` STAY INDOORS AND DO NOT LOOK OUTSIDE . '' The radio simultaneously broadcasts the message `` EVACUATE IMMEDIATELY , GET TO HIGH GROUND . ''\n",
'[ WP ] The hero beats the villain by stooping even lower .\n',
"[ WP ] The more evil you were on Earth the higher your rank in Hell . When you get to Hell Satan himself resigns his position to you , but you do n't know what you did .\n",
"[ WP ] You 've finally managed to discover the secret to immortality . Suddenly , Death appears before you , hands you a business card , and says , `` When you realize living forever sucks , call this number , I 've got a job offer for you . ''\n",
"[ WP ] You wake up in a house . It 's nice place , with all the comforts of home . However , the front door is cold steel , with a note on it . The note warns you never to leave the house . After years of compliance , you decide to go through the steel door ...\n",
"[ WP ] Your father left 20 years ago the night before your birthday to get Cigarettes , Milk , and Bread . Today he comes home with long bedraggled hair , weather beaten skin , and a sword on his hip . The first thing he says to you is `` You 're never going to believe what happened . ''\n",
'[ WP ] A Man dies and expects to go either Heaven or Hell , only to be told by an Angel that he already was in Hell and now his punishment is over\n',
'[ WP ] There is a time traveler who visits every historical figure twice : on their 10th birthday and their deathbed . On the first visit , they will be told all the will accomplish in life . The second visit will tell how their legacy is remembered .\n',
'[ WP ] Write a story that will scare me out of wasting my life\n',
'[ WP ] Everyone wakes up with a number and a RPG-esque classification ( e.g. , Thief , Warrior , Cleric , etc . ) tattooed on their dominant arm\n',
'[ WP ] Instead of a modern adaptation of a myth , write a mythic adaptation of a modern story .\n',
'[ WP ] Write a creation myth .\n',
"[ WP ] Write a college essay that starts with , `` Sometimes , I wish I could just go onto a roof with a sniper rifle ... ''\n",
'[ OT ] Writing Workshop # 36 - NaNo Prep # 1 : What will you write about ?\n',
"[ WP ] It 's been nearly 100 years since the last Pyromancer was caught and executed . Pyromancy , the ability to create and control fire , is a dark and forbidden art . You discover you have the ability , and are now being hunted down .\n",
"[ WP ] Write the opening scene to the yet-unwritten novel you 've been thinking about . Introduce us to your main character , and show us what kind of book it 's going to be .\n",
"[ WP ] Group of space Marines travels via a stargate like portal to an `` virgin '' world . However due to passing a black hole , each Marine arrives 100 years after the Marine in front of them , instead of 1-5 seconds .\n",
"[ WP ] A stunned nation watches as images of the President 's assassination flood the news . The killer has yet to be identified , but witnesses claim to have seen someone in a gray hoodie . You go home early , only to find your SO disassembling a high-power rifle in the kitchen ... wearing a gray hoodie .\n",
'[ WP ] You are a horny Dr. Seuss ; write a Suess-Style Rhyming erotic novel\n',
'[ WP ] Your mind automatically slows down time as imminent danger approaches . This has helped you to become an athlete , great with parlor tricks and avoid death at every turn ! Today , a very attractive member of the opposite sex walks past and flashes you a flirty smile . Time begins to slow .\n',
"[ WP ] An astronaut sits alone on a distant planet as a crack creeps across his helmet . He speaks into his radio , `` I wish you could see what I see '' .\n",
'[ WP ] Marriage in an alternate universe is literally a lifelong commitment ; when either partner dies , their counterpart immediately drops dead .\n',
"[ WP ] Tell me about the person you 're in love with\n",
'[ WP ] At the age of 18 you are permitted to redistribute your twenty skill points around into whatever skills you want permanently . You decided to put everything into LUCK and leave the rest at 0 points .\n',
"[ WP ] You 're on a train . You 've been on this train for quite awhile . You would say that it 's been days , but you ca n't really tell . There are no clocks and outside is a constant , grey fog .\n",
'[ WP ] Everyone is born with a superpower , but no one knows what theirs is until they are forced to use it in a life-or-death situation .\n',
'[ WP ] Describe the person you fell in love with .\n',
"[ WP ] You are a successful artist who has a condition where you randomly black out . When you wake up , you see that you have created beautiful masterpeices that you do n't remember painting . Lately , all of your paintings have been more and more disturbing .\n",
"[ WP ] A security officer is charged with guarding a door but he 's never been allowed to enter . After years of service , he has never seen anyone use the door . Describe what he finds after not being able to hold off his curiosity any longer .\n",
"[ CW ] Write about a topic you know virtually *nothing* about , and try to appear knowledgeable . Do n't look it up - just try to BS your way through it .\n",
'[ WP ] A world where eating a person lowers your age by 20 years . The poor are offered up to the rich who have been around for hundreds of years .\n',
'[ WP ] Zombie apocalypse has happened . The survivours have survived and are thriving , so much that people can go their entire lives with out seeing a zombie . You see one today .\n',
"[ WP ] `` Daddy , why are n't you afraid of the monsters ? '' `` Because , Sweetie . The monsters are afraid of me ''\n",
"[ WP ] `` He stopped a war not with gun , nor with sword , but with a single word . ''\n",
"You 're a serial killer who 's been captured by the authorities . They ask you to recount your first kill ... .\n",
'WP : A person dies and is confronted by the person they could have become\n',
'[ WP ] Turn your favorite song into a short story .\n',
'[ WP ] Write erotica of hilariously bad quality .\n',
'[ WP ] Create a fictional mythological race , ( werewolves , vampires , skinwalkers , etc ) and the legend behind it\n',
"[ WP ] The Devil appears before you and puts a heavy hand on your shoulder , `` Look , we need to talk about you putting me in every Writing Prompt . ''\n",
'[ WP ] Describe a battle with an army against a single man ... .. Except that man is a level 20 D & D character .\n',
"[ WP ] All drugs are legal and sobriety is frowned upon , you 've been sober for one year today , you walk into your apartment , only to find an intervention waiting for you .\n",
'[ WP ] The Crips and the Bloods ally with each other against ISIS . The world laughs as thousands of gang members board a cruise ship and set sail for the Middle East . The two gangs land on the shores of Syria and begin their fight against ISIS .\n',
"[ FF ] 100 Words or Less - The parachute is n't opening up\n",
"[ WP ] Your entire life has actually been a virtual simulation . You wake up to discover you 're part of an experimental rehabilitation program , where convicted murderers relive the life of their victim .\n",
'[ WP ] While singing gibberish in the shower , you accidentally summon a demon , who then professes an eternity of loyalty for saving it from the doldrums of hell .\n',
'[ WP ] Everybody in the world has a superpower that compliments their soulmates superpower . When together , both their powers increase in strength exponentially . You have the most useless power ever , when one day ... ...\n',
'[ WP ] Write about a unique relationship between an immortal and a time traveler .\n',
'[ FF ] 100 words to make me hate a character . 100 words to make me come to love them . 100 words to crush my soul as you kill them .\n',
'[ WP ] Make the saddest love story without involving any deaths , breakups , or separations .\n',
"[ WP ] Superman is mentally handicapped . That 's why he thinks nobody can pick up the Clark Kent=Superman thing , and everyone plays along in an effort to keep him from throwing a tantrum . The comics are his idea of what is going on . What does a day in Metropolis actually look like ?\n",
'[ WP ] Long before you were born , your father promised his firstborn to otherworldly beings in exchange for power . In a twist of fate , your mother also promised her firstborn to dark gods .\n',
"[ WP ] Hell turns out to be you and a TV which plays your entire life . You think it will take a mere 90 years or so . Then you notice it has 'onlooker commentary ' which contains rants , praise and general thoughts on every action you ’ ve made from each living being who was witness to or affected by it .\n",
'[ WP ] The Alien Federation has been keeping tabs on the humans of Earth since they first appeared . They do surveillance missions once every 300 years to keep track of our progress , the last mission was 300 years ago . The aliens are shocked by our progress since 1714 .\n',
'[ FF ] Talk to me for five minutes .\n',
"`` This is 911 , we already know . Arm yourself and lock your doors . Good luck and God bless . '' [ TT ]\n",
'[ WP ] Write your heart onto your sleeve , Reddit .\n',
"[ WP ] A secretly immortal man is given a life sentence for a crime he did n't commit and now fears the discovery of his true nature is only a matter of time .\n",
"[ WP ] You 're running a little late to work , but when you arrive someone identical to you is already sitting at your desk . He puts up his hands and says `` Relax , I can explain . ''\n",
"[ WP ] : A 92-year-old woman 's phone number is one digit away from that of a local suicide hotline . She could have it changed , but she does n't mind .\n",
'[ TT ] When you die , you are taken to a leaderboard showing all of the stats of your life , such as how many people have loved you , how many people hated you , etc . As you look at your scores , you begin to notice one of the numbers is increasing .\n',
"[ WP ] You die and find yourself in Valhalla , where all great warriors go when they die . However , you never fought a day in your life . You try to find out why you 're there .\n",
"[ WP ] You have a special bag . Whenever you reach into it , you pull out something you will need soon , but do n't necessarily know you need yet . However , the things you are pulling out of the bag have been very strange recently .\n",
'[ WP ] You are hired to write the holy text for a new religion . What is the first chapter of the text ?\n',
'[ WP ] Write a dystopian vision of the future from the perspective of the year 1900 , while actually describing our present world today .\n',
"[ WP ] Aliens invade earth . To the surprise of humans , the alien 's weaponry is pitifully outdated .\n",
'[ WP ] “ There are three things all wise men fear : the sea in storm , a night with no moon , and the anger of a gentle man . ”\n',
'[ WP ] A shapeshifter deals with an existential crisis after realizing it no longer remembers its original shape .\n',
'[ WP ] In music , changing a song to a minor key is a small change that makes the song sound much creepier or sadder . Write a happy story , and then its counterpart in a minor key .\n',
"[ WP ] You 're midway into your flight when you , feeling bored , decided to surf the Internet . You read breaking news about another plane disappearance . You 're on that flight .\n",
"[ WP ] write a one paragraph summary of yourself without using the letter `` E ''\n",
'[ WP ] A man is determined to make a PB & J sandwich . However , everything seems to be conspiring against him .\n',
"[ WP ] You used to be the most powerful evil overlord humanity has ever seen . Then you turned over a new leaf , and your empire is a utopia . The only person who refuses to believe you 've changed ? The hero who has tried to stop you for decades .\n",
"[ WP ] You are The Memory Broker . You copy other people 's memories and sell them to people who want to remember things they never did . Your latest client is a ten year-old girl who slides you her piggy bank and begs you to help her grandmother remember her .\n",
"[ WP ] You are a peanut farmer . Your father was a peanut farmer . Your father 's father was a peanut farmer . Peanut farming is all you 've ever known . Your first child has just been born , and has a deadly allergy to peanuts .\n",
"[ WP ] A ghost and a zombie meet . They 're from the same person .\n",
'[ WP ] A fly on the wall begins speaking with you . He understands he will pass away soon and wants to tell you everything about his life and feelings .\n',
"[ WP ] A father and a daughter say goodbye to each other . Only one of them knows it 's for the last time .\n",
'[ WP ] You are dog . It is your mission to faithfully guard your poor , stupid , two-legged pack-mates from the horrors of the mailman , the dog next door , and men with hats . Describe your vigil .\n',
"[ WP ] Superpowers can now be torrented . You were 70 % of the way through torrenting a power you 've always wanted when the download stops .\n",
'[ WP ] Aliens come to Earth in hoping to wipe us out and take over the planet , but are honorable and gives us a fighting chance . They announce they will return in 100 years so as to give Earth a chance to prepare and defend itself . Neither side expected what the other would bring to war\n',
"[ WP ] The dead have come back to life across the world , but they 're not here to eat us . They 're all fleeing from something terrible in the afterlife .\n",
"[ WP ] You 're the cynical narrator of a story . However , you hate the optimistic main character and only continue to narrate hoping something bad happens to him . With ill-will , narrate a day in the life of this character .\n",
"[ WP ] `` Hello . I am an officer of the Intergalactic Ministry of Justice and I am looking for the fugitive known locally as 'Jesus Christ ' . Have you seen him ? ''\n",
'[ WP ] As a young child you made an innocent wish to be granted a power that in hindsight was just whimsical and silly . Now you have grown up but you still have the power - how do you use it now as an adult ?\n',
'[ WP ] The commute of a man who can see how people will die .\n',
"[ WP ] The Illuminati is actually a gentlemen 's club for the super-rich . Often men make high risk and dangerous bets/wagers such as : `` I bet you ca n't destabilize Ukraine in under a week . '' One day you offer a wager to the most powerful member that 's too irresistible to turn down .\n",
"[ WP ] Every human is given their lifetime supply of `` luck '' to be used at their will . Some choose to expend it all at once on a massive success , and live the rest of their lives with no luck , some spread it out evenly and use luck on random small events .\n",
'[ WP ] Killing a person raises your life span by 20 years , but it comes with a cost .\n',
'[ WP ] Describe a well known story from the perspective of the antagonist . Try to conceal the actual story till the last line .\n',
'[ WP ] The stars never came out last night .\n',
'[ WP ] You have a near-death experience that reveals you have a Guardian Angel protecting you ... And you have the hots for her . You continue putting your life in danger in order to spend more time with her .\n',
'[ WP ] While cleaning your basement , you accidentally free the worlds smallest genie . You do not hear him tell you he will grant your three next wishes .\n',
"[ WP ] For years Earth cried out to an empty cosmos , searching the stars for echoes of life . From the middle of nowhere , a reply finally comes : `` Shut up , and Play Dead ! ''\n",
'[ WP ] You inherit the abilities and skill set of whatever video game character you last played . Tell the story of your discovery of this from the perspective of someone around you . Parents , roomates , etc .\n',
"[ WP ] You obtain a device that tells you exactly what choices to make in order to lead the `` happiest '' life possible . Some of these choices get hard to make .\n",
'[ FF ] Write a story in 5 minutes immediately after you read the prompt in the text field of this post .\n',
'[ FF ] The Confrontation . ( Contest )\n',
"[ WP ] It 's been almost two years since people stopped dying , and five months since we started to burn the ones that should .\n",
'[ WP ] You are known as the greatest Villain known to history . The nations you have toppled are many , heroes and villains alike cower in fear and agencys would use their entire budgets just to guess your next move . However , you are unaware that you were a villain at all .\n',
'[ WP ] A video game developer accidentally creates the first ever sentient AI -- in the form of a random NPC for a big budget title .\n',
"[ WP ] Scientists invented a pill that enables dogs to fully speak and understand English . It lasts for ten minutes , and will only work one time . You give a pill to your 12 year-old Border Collie , whom you 've had since they were a pup . Your dog immediately says `` Alright , listen very carefully ... ''\n",
'[ WP ] Mankind is fighting its first war against a non-human opponent . You are a soldier station on the front line and you are writing a letter to your sweetheart back home .\n',
"[ WP ] Over night , 90 % of the world 's population has dropped dead . In the following weeks , the survivors , who come from diverse countries , ethnicities , religious beliefs and lifestyles realize that they all share a single , peculiar trait ...\n",
"[ FF ] What 's on the tape ?\n",
'[ WP ] Aliens establish first contact with the government of another country . The White House gets offended .\n',
'[ WP ] A man wants to sell his soul to a demon but the thing he wants in return is so dubious the demon is thrown for a loop .\n',
'[ WP ] A young child summons a demon , but they only want a friend .\n',
'The last man on earth watches the 2nd to last man on earth kill himself\n',
"[ WP ] You get a chance to send your mind back into your own body when you were 16 . Retaining all your memories and knowledge , you immediately gain an incredible advantage . What 's your plan ?\n",
'[ WP ] A duel between two Wizards . Except they are not Archmages but apprentices who can barely cast spells .\n',
"[ WP ] Area 51 has four level emergencies for a breakout . Level 3 : Armed forces intervention . 2 : Public statement . United Nations joint resistance . 1 : Worldwide evacuation effort . Use of nuclear weapons permitted . And 0 : Call the number on the sticky note ( and pray to God his demands are n't too high ) .\n",
'[ WP ] Eye colour means everything here . Brown control the earth , blue controls the water , white controls the sky . There are so many colours and each important but you were the first born with yellow eyes .\n',
'[ EU ] Bruce Wayne , age 121 , has died of a heart attack in his sleep . Friendless and forgotten , the only ones to attend his funeral are fellow heroes in costume , honoring the true face of their fallen comrade . After a few words from the priest , Superman steps up to the podium to give a eulogy ...\n',
"[ OT ] A lot of really good prompts with really good stories never make it to the front page . I know there are diamonds in the rough and i want them to be noticed . Post your best piece of fiction you 've ever created here so everyone can appreciate the work you put into it .\n",
"[ OT ] ( Meta ) Let 's talk about fairness .\n",
'[ WP ] Human civilization has fallen and , thousands of years later , rebuilt itself . In an attempt to better understand the ancient race , a team of archaeologists have discovered the Internet and are navigating it for the first time . Write their field notes .\n',
"[ WP ] After hundreds of years of sending messages into the sky , humanity receives its first message from intelligent life . Decoded it simply says , `` Be quiet before they find you . ''\n",
"[ WP ] Kill a man and you 're a murderer . Kill thousands and you 're a conqueror . Kill everyone and you 're a god .\n",
"[ WP ] `` Suicide may be punishable by up to fifty years life-extension . ''\n",
'[ WP ] You find out that whenever you are killed , you are revived with an immunity to whatever killed you . Document your experiences\n',
"[ WP ] When I was 16 my father pulled me out of school and shoved me in the car . His eyes did n't leave the road as he threw a gun in my lap and said , `` We 're going to get your mother . ''\n",
"[ WP ] You are scrolling through r/WritingPrompts , when this very prompt catches your attention . Intrigued by it 's meta nature , you debate with yourself whether or not you 'll write about it .\n",
"[ WP ] It 's been 5 years since North Korea has gone dark , no communications in or out and the Northern posts of the DMZ have remained vacant ; your heading the advance team entering North Korea to investigate what happened . This is your report .\n",
'[ WP ] In the near future a company holding the only patent to a point-to-point teleportation system in widespread use is exposed as a fraud and the truth is more horrible than anyone expected it to be .\n',
"[ WP ] Your door bell rings . It 's a person from an alternate universe , who says , `` I just want you to know that you are my favorite book character and I know how it ends and I want to help change it ''\n",
"[ WP ] When you die , you do n't go to the afterlife of you 're religion , you go to the afterlife of the religion whose tenets you followed most closely , knowingly or not .\n",
"[ WP ] Your T.V . suddenly turns on by itself mid-lunch and a message from the local weather warning system , normally accompanied with a loud alarm but oddly silent this time around , reads `` For the safety and well-being of all local citizens this warning will be broadcasted silently ... ''\n",
'[ WP ] The monster under the bed and the monster in the closet meet for the first time\n',
'[ WP ] When someone is murdered , their name appears on the skin of the killer . You wake up with a name on your arm and no knowledge of how it got there .\n',
'[ WP ] Your parents insist you are their biological child , but you suspect otherwise . You send samples from yourself , your parents , and siblings to a lab be tested . The lab replies that it is not equipped to test non-human DNA ...\n',
"[ WP ] You 're practicing CPR on a fake dummy and you do a bit too well . The dummy starts gasping for air .\n",
"[ WP ] You are a professional pickpocket . You 've just picked someones pocket only to discover that the thing you have stolen is truly horrifying .\n",
'[ WP ] You are an omnipotent god . Out of boredom you decided to live an ordinary human life vowing not to use your power . 15 years has pass and you have a 9 to 5 working for a major tech company . Your boss has been tormenting you for years and you have reach your limit\n',
'[ WP ] You are immortal , and saw the birth of the human race . Now you sit by their bedside and watch , as the last human dies .\n',
'[ WP ] Make me fall in love with a character , only to end up hating said character with ONE sentence at the end\n',
'[ WP ] You are legally allowed to commit murder once , but you must fill out the proper paperwork and your proposed victim will be notified of your intentions\n',
'[ WP ] You are notified that in 24 hours , every human will try to kill you for 1 hour . Your preparation starts now .\n',
"[ WP ] Valhalla is filled with the strongest warriors the world has ever known . Vikings , Spartans , Mongols , Romans , Samurai , Spetznaz , JSOC Operators . And in that corner over there ? That 's Ted , from accounting .\n",
"[ WP ] As a henchman to the Joker , you 've now broken the record for the longest surviving employee . This means you 'll receive something no one ever has from him : your annual review .\n",
'[ CW ] Make me hate your character in 150 words or less .\n',
"[ WP ] I know why I 'm in Hell . I know what I 've done . What I do n't know is why my dog is there , waiting for me when I arrive .\n",
'[ wp ] When someone dies , they go to a platform where you can choose to move in to the afterlife , not knowing whether you will go to heaven or hell . You meet someone who has stood there for millenia , trying to decide if they should go .\n',
'Daily Prompt : The Alphabet Game [ Difficulty level : HARD ]\n',
"[ WP ] The apocalypse scenario of your choice has happened and you are the last person alive . Electricity and the internet are still running . As a last ditch effort you take to /r/askreddit , `` Is there anybody else out there ? '' Weeks later , you receive a single upvote , but no reply ...\n",
"[ WP ] The end of times has come . Heaven , hell , and earth are thrown in a three-way war . It 's a little unfair how advanced Earth is , though .\n",
"[ WP ] When people die , a trial is held to decide if they go to heaven or hell . People are allowed to choose their attorney , regardless of if they know them personally or not . You 're the first person to choose Satan as your attorney .\n",
"[ WP ] We 've explored more of the lunar surface than the bottom of the ocean . NASA knows what 's down there , and it trying to get us off Earth as fast as possible\n",
'[ WP ] Two men play a game of chess . One can read minds ; the other can see the future .\n',
"[ WP ] The year is 1910 . Adolf Hitler , a struggling artist , has fought off dozens of assasination attemps by well meaning time travelers , but this one is different . This traveller does n't want to kill Hitler , he wants to teach him to paint . He pulls off his hood to reveal the frizzy afro of Bob Ross .\n",
'[ WP ] Someone wakes up , prepares some coffee , and drinks it\n',
"[ WP ] Your wife 's murderer is the police sketch artist .\n",
'[ EU ] You are a parent of a child attending hogwarts . Write a letter to the school administration expressing your dissatisfaction with a new professor who was obviously only hired as an excuse for crossover writing prompts , and is clearly not qualified to teach magic to anyone .\n',
"[ WP ] You woke up in a bedroom and found a modern silenced pistol and an envelope . Inside the envelope there 's three photos and a letter . The letter writes `` You are in Vienna , 1913 . The pictures attached are Leon Trotsky , Josef Stalin , and Adolf Hitler . Kill them or we will kill your ancestors . ''\n",
'( WP ) Lucifer never fell , God just needed his most trusted archangel to claim the darkness so the real evil could not .\n',
"[ WP ] All doctors must carry a staff . The staff must be hand carved by the doctor , and for every patient a doctor ca n't treat they lose an inch off their staff . When a staff is gone , so is their license .\n",
"[ WP ] Every sentient species in the universe receives a Jesus figure from God . It turns out humanity was the only species to torture and crucify him . You 're an ambassador priest informing the Inter-Galactic Holy Church what your species did .\n",
'[ WP ] When you die the afterlife is an arena where you face every insect and animal you killed in your life . If you win you go to heaven , lose you go to hell . Your job was an exterminator on earth .\n',
'[ WP ] A Demon who has been serving Lucifer for years has now gotten a job in Heaven . Write his 2 weeks notice .\n',
'[ WP ] When you were a child , you saw your parent ( s ) get killed by a delusional man who claimed he was a time traveler . You thought he was just crazy , but as years pass and you grow older , your best friend starts to look eerily similar to your parent ( s ) killer .\n',
"[ WP ] You 're a man who 's tired of his life , so one day , while driving home from work , instead of stopping at your house , you just decided to keep driving .\n",
'[ OT ] First Ever ( sort of ) WritingPrompts Meet and Greet !\n',
"[ WP ] People level their skills in an RPG fashion and are conscious of their sudden jumps from novice to journeyman and so on . You 've spent your life training a skill that is entirely useless until becoming invaluable once mastered - and you just mastered it .\n",
'[ OT ] 4yr Contest Voting - Round One ( of two )\n',
'[ WP ] You arrive in Heaven to find it abandoned .\n',
"[ WP ] You die and are informed you 'll restart your life exactly as it was when you turned 6 . All your memories are as they were the moment you died , everything else resets . You are told you are the only one like this .\n",
"[ WP ] After dying , you 're shown a `` Choose Your Own Adventure '' style decision tree which highlights all the paths your life could have taken should you have made various different choices . You spend all of eternity analyzing this tree , only to finally realize that something just is n't quite right .\n",
'[ WP ] Write the most beautiful end to the universe that you can imagine\n',
'[ WP ] A great Empire is about to fall . A single remaining bodyguard is left alone with the Emperor as the enemy approaches the throne room .\n',
'[ WP ] You are a patient in a psych ward . You decide to break out , but find that the entire place was abandoned long ago\n',
'[ WP ] You are a cannon fodder minion on the first floor of a dungeon , and have just killed the hero . You now have to explain to the boss that you just ruined his plan .\n',
'[ WP ] You are a bloodthirsty , battle-axe wielding barbarian . You work for a multinational corporation , in the accounting department .\n',
'[ WP ] Describe the thoughts of the Angel of Death on the day of a nuclear war .\n',
'[ WP ] A single man declares war on the entire world . One year later , the leaders of each nation gather to discuss their surrender .\n',
"[ WP ] You are trapped in a white room . There is a black box in the centre and a note on top saying `` DO NOT OPEN '' . As time passes you hear something from inside the box saying `` HELP ME '' . ( Be creative , and let your imagination run wild )\n",
'[ WP ] You live in a statistically opposite world . If normally 1/5 people had the common cold , now 4/5 people do , if any house had a 1/200 chance of burning down while the owners were away , there is now a 199/200 chance it happening .\n',
"[ WP ] You have the power to access another person 's mind , but you must play a game/puzzle reflective of the owner 's mind to unlock its secrets . You have solved 7x7 Rubik 's cubes , played games of 3D Chess , and beaten countless final bosses . This time , however , you are caught off-guard .\n",
"The year is 2352 . You are a captain of a spacecraft who 's mission is to explore a newly-discovered star system . You and your crew penetrate the atmosphere of the first planet , only to find billions of suffering humans . You have discovered Hell , and your spacecraft has broken down . [ WP ]\n",
'[ WP ] In a world full of super-powered humans , your super power is the ability to boost the superpowers of others . You are The Wingman .\n',
"[ WP ] You come home after the worst date of your life . Sitting in your living room is Cupid , getting really drunk and wanting you to know you 're the hardest person to find a mate for in history and the reason he might get fired .\n",
"[ WP ] `` So what happens if I press this button ? '' I asked . `` Nothing . '' She replied . I pushed the button in , grinning . `` It 's when you let go that things get nasty . ''\n",
"[ WP ] `` It 's human-made , you know ! '' Reverse the usual fantasy scene where somebody gushes over elf/dwarf/whatever craftsmanship .\n",
"[ WP ] You are given a small notebook . Inside is a list of last times you 'll speak to every person you 've ever met . One date is far , far later than the rest .\n",
'[ WP ] You wake up in a strange room , only to find alternate universe versions of you there , each different in their own way ( gender , race , background etc ) . You have no idea what brought you here .\n',
'[ WP ] You see numbers above people , telling how many people they will kill given they keep on the same track . Last month you met a seemingly ordinary person with the number 7,431,323,210 , or the total population of the Earth .\n',
"[ WP ] Humans are born with a mark around their wrist which has a matching color with that of their soulmate 's , but can change through their life . Your mark has had a blue hue since you were 14 , but one night , while you 're out , people start looking at you funny . You realize that your mark is gone .\n",
'[ WP ] You and your pet rabbit live in a remote part of Australia , far away from your dark past . Animal control has come to your door and informed you that it is illegal to own a rabbit unless you can prove you are a magician . Now you must do something you swore you would never do again .\n',
'[ WP ] the damned souls in hell crowded near the entrance , and Satan himself is at the gates . They are all awaiting the arrival of a unique soul -- the first man since Biblical times who was killed by God Himself .\n',
'[ WP ] You accidently discharge your firearm into the television . Much to your surprise , instead of shattering the glass , it passes right through and hits one of the characters on screen .\n',
"[ WP ] You 've noticed a man in a suit approaches one home a day in your neighborhood and is invited inside every time . Shortly after he leaves , the resident ( s ) commit suicide . Today , he 's approached your home .\n",
"Magic is Hereditary , but the child 's powers is the sum of his parents . Fire Witch + Sand Wizard= Glass magic [ WP ]\n",
'[ WP ] If you murder someone , your jail sentence is as long as their remaining life would have been .\n',
"You 're moments late to literally everything . You watch busses pull away as you run behind them , girls get asked out as you walk up to them , and you have never caught a green light . One day though , you arrive on time . [ WP ]\n",
"[ WP ] You 're 90 % sure your flat-mate 's a vampire , unfortunately for him you 're a vampire hunter . But he does pay half the rent so ...\n",
'[ FF ] The Measure of a Man ( 200 words or less within 24 hours for reddit gold ! )\n',
"[ WP ] Two people have just died . They both enter the same location in the afterlife . For one person , it is their personal heaven ; for the other , it is hell . Describe their arrival and first `` day '' there .\n",
'[ WP ] A man has lived his whole life sinfully , with the intent on going to hell and killing Satan . He has just died .\n',
'[ WP ] When a child is born , their parents may pick one skill that the child will be , without a doubt , talented in .\n',
'[ WP ] Describe the same character twice . Once to fall in love with them , then again to be repulsed by them .\n',
'[ WP ] Describe the person you love the most so we can see him/her through your eyes .\n',
'[ WP ] Do the crime , do the time - but the reverse is also true , you can choose to serve jail time in advance of any crime you want to commit . After voluntarily spending 50 years in prison one individual is set to be released and the world watches in anticipation of whatever they do next .\n',
'[ WP ] Death is an actual person that comes by when someone dies .\n',
"[ WP ] Darrell was a normal everyday idiot until he was bitten by a ware-genius . Now every full moon , he turns into a genius and is trying to solve the world 's problems one night a month at a time .\n",
"[ WP ] An AI is deeply in love with a human , who is reluctant to reciprocate because they believe the AI 's love is just programming and not 'real . ' The AI strives to prove her love is real .\n",
'[ WP ] A superhero whose punches heal rather than harm . Their origin story is kicking the shit out of a kid with terminal cancer .\n',
"[ WP ] Ever since you were born you 've possessed the power to teleport wherever you 're currently looking . Depressed and unsatisfied , you decide to end your life by looking towards the stars . You 're not dead .\n",
'[ WP ] Write about someone who sells dreams in a world where dreams are forbidden or extinct\n',
'[ WP ] Two planets come within range of eachother every 300 years . There is always an ensuing war that lasts the 5 days that the planets are close enough . Each side can only guess at what new technology the other has built since the last time .\n',
'[ WP ] After being hunted to extinction , the last Orc has been found at the edge of the world ...\n',
'[ WP ] A permanent storm rages across a planet . The only inhabitants are nomads who constantly travel inside the eye of the storm .\n',
"[ WP ] Choose an idiom ( e.g . `` stone-cold killer '' ) . Write the story that caused the phrase to be used literally and therefore introduced it into the language .\n",
"[ WP ] Compared to the rest of the galaxy humanity is by far the friendliest . To many star systems they are considered `` the good neighbor , '' and are known for their helpfulness . One day an oblivious system declares war on humanity , only to find half of the galaxy responding to humanity 's plea for aid .\n",
"[ WP ] You have the ability to steal wishes from a wishing well by taking the coins a person drops in . However , you ca n't know what the wish is before you decide to take it\n",
'[ WP ] Write a superhero whose superpower only makes sense after you read the story twice .\n',
'[ WP ] A writer , trapped in his own book , regrets not writing more intresting female characters\n',
'[ WP ] You are the wind .\n',
'[ WP ] After North Korea declares that they will start a nuclear war if a single bullet is fired The Us military goes medieval\n',
'[ WP ] After being struck by lightning while browsing Reddit , you discover you gained superpowers ... based on your Reddit username .\n',
"[ WP ] You die , only to actually wake up in a laboratory , where you realize your entire life was a side effect hallucination for a drug you agreed to take for clinical trials . Your real life 's memories slowly begin coming back to you . The doctors tell you you were only `` out '' for 30 minutes .\n",
"[ WP ] Where do bad guys get their legions of goons ? Well , it 's all thanks to you . You specialize in supplying grunts of a wide variety to aspiring super villains , whether they need masked men with bad aim or hideous/sexy merfolk to guard their underwater lair .\n",
'[ WP ] You die of suicide , and regain consciousness in a large movie theater . Each seat is occupied by a version of you from a previous year of your life . Then the film starts ...\n',
'[ WP ] You dig up a time capsule you buried years ago . Instead of memorabilia , you find a modern phone . It rings .\n',
'[ WP ] One day , you wake up to see that every other human in the world as disappeared . After some time surviving alone , you wake up to see that they have all returned and all behave as if nothing happened .\n',
'[ WP ] A new virus sweeps the nation killing hundreds . It turns out the virus only affects total assholes though . People are unsure if they really want to cure it .\n',
'[ WP ] The Apocalypse began six years ago . Nobody has noticed until now .\n',
'[ WP ] Humans start out at birth with milk-white blood . The more bad deeds they commit , the darker their blood becomes . One day , you meet your soulmate . Skip a few years , and things are amazing… Until your soulmate trips , falls , and the cut they get drips ink-black blood…\n',
'[ WP ] In a world where people can only see in black and white , you are a drug dealer that sells drugs that allow people to see color .\n',
'[ WP ] Instead of Oceans , they are all big forests , that gets taller and darker instead of deeper , with more dangerous animals living further out in the forest . A person decides to cross the Mariana Trench\n',
'[ WP ] Jupiter has 64 moons and a serious werewolf problem .\n',
'[ WP ] Every time the Messiah returns , we kill him . It is now the Thirty-seventh Coming , and Jesus is getting sick of our sh*t\n',
"[ WP ] A duel with your arch-nemesis . You 're both so immensely powerful it does not even make sense .\n",
'[ WP ] In the eyes of an alien , describe an invasion of its home planet by humans . Make the humans the scariest thing I have ever read about .\n',
'[ WP ] You are an immortal and have been alive for millions of years without anyone finding out . However , Human kind has been evolving , and you have stayed the same .\n',
'[ CW ] Write a möbius strip structured story that repeats after two complete loops round the text , instead of one . As in , it takes two complete reads of the text to read the whole story .\n',
"[ WP ] A generation ago humanity faced an extinction level catastrophe . In response , the world 's governments lifted all legal , moral , and ethical bans on scientific research in a desperate attempt to overcome the danger . You now live in a world dealing with the consequences of this .\n",
"[ WP ] an immortal man who can not be physically injured is a passenger on a jet that 's going to crash .\n",
"[ WP ] A soldier in the heat of battle suddenly hears a voice that says `` I am your child 's imaginary friend . They have sent me to protect you in your greatest time of need . ''\n",
'[ CW ] Write a gruesome story using only euphemisms so than it can be read to a group of children without frightening them\n',
"[ CW ] You 're a surgeon , and one of your patient just died under your knife . You have to announce the death to the family . Your speech must contain the following words/groups of word : `` Delighted '' , `` Purgatory '' , `` Banana '' , `` Slaughterhouse '' , `` Careless '' , `` Made my day '' and `` Blame it on the temp '' .\n",
'[ WP ] A man who has had no knowledge of religion meets both God and the Devil . He is the chosen one who decides whether God or the Devil inherits the Earth . The problem is , he can not tell which is which .\n',
'[ WP ] The reason earth never made alien contact is because earth is in a natural reservation inside a non transit area inside a neutral zone between two warring empires in a relatively boring part of the galaxy .\n',
'[ WP ] An old hag has cursed you with immortality.Wondering how that is supposed to be a curse you started enjoying your life . Now you are floating in the void after the heat death of the universe thinking about the past .\n',
'[ WP ] The protagonist is entierly overprepared for the wrong genre . They make it work .\n',
'Pack a punch in 150 words .\n',
"[ WP ] `` You know the difference between subjective and objective , right ? 'Some rabbits ' is the former , 'three rabbits ' is the latter , and much more accurate . So I 'm going to need you to be very clear when you say there are 'a few ' dragons outside . ''\n",
'[ WP ] At the age of 18 , everyone picks an unlikely life event . They will be reborn at 18 every time they die until that event happens . After that , death is permanent .\n',
'At your 150th birthday you were suspicious . At 200 it was confirmed you could not die . It is now your 900th birthday and you are spending it alone . [ WP ]\n',
"[ WP ] You possess the very rare quality of being able to survive anywhere . Scientists have decided to send you into a black hole and , because you 're a badass , you agree .\n",
"[ WP ] You wake up in a tub of ice with a two insicions on your back and a note that reads `` Why do n't you have any kidneys ? WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU ? ''\n",
'[ WP ] An adult Calvin who has never revealed his relationship with Hobbes to his wife of 10 years walks into his bedroom 5 min after she discovers an old , battered , stuffed tiger in the back of his closet .\n',
"[ WP ] A man has one dollar left after losing his life 's dreams , and chooses to spend it on his favorite soda from a vending machine before killing himself . He ca n't imagine feeling any lower than he does ... then the machine gives him the wrong drink .\n",
'[ WP ] A person dies in the first sentence . Build a character we mourn for in the story , but make me hate them with the last sentence .\n',
"[ WP ] You 're a middle school custodian , cleaning up the school is your job . So when a group of men take the school hostage , they are no exception . You have a mess to clean .\n",
"[ WP ] You 're a 12 year-old in a world domintated by magic . A small , feeble man appears on your doorstep claiming : `` You 're a scientist , Henry ''\n",
"[ EU ] Batman snaps , kills the Joker and establishes a reign of terror over Gotham . It 's up to Batman 's next biggest villans to stop him .\n",
'[ WP ] Everyone who dies reincarnates in Tier 2 universe . People there have all memories from the previous lives , and they suspect there are more Tiers . People live really differently there compared to Tier 1 .\n',
'[ WP ] A walk in the park brings back painful memories .\n',
'[ WP ] A world where the name of your future spouse is ingrained in your mind from birth , and what happens when someone goes against that .\n',
'[ FF ] - 250 Words ; 2 months Reddit Gold prize\n',
"[ WP ] Everyone is born with blond hair . A person 's hair turns brown when they lose their innocence .\n",
'[ FF ] Write a story based on a verse from a song . ( 300 Word )\n',
"[ WP ] Your cat is literally Satan . You 've learned to live with him , but this Friday you 've got a date coming over .\n",
'[ WP ] At age 18 , you are able to trade in a percentage of your physical beauty for an equivalent amount of intelligence , or vice versa .\n',
"[ WP ] In an alternate universe , dogs live as long as humans . At birth , every person is assigned a `` Companion for Life '' .\n",
'Last words/thoughts of a leader of a failed rebellion .\n',
'[ WP ] Write a suicide note in a Dr. Suess like fashion .\n',
"[ WP ] Napoleon and Hitler were born 129 years apart , came into power 129 years apart , and invaded Russia 129 years apart . It is now 2070 . You 've been reincarnated and rose to power for the third time . Russia is looking very tempting .\n",
"[ WP ] you are an immortal and have lived a very long life . Everytime you die your body regenerates as you come back to life . Unfortunately , a serial killer finds out and sees you as the perfect victim to kill again and again . So he captures you . But he did n't expect you would play tricks on his mind\n",
'Make a story ( 1000 word limit ) where a certain phrase/punch line of a joke is said multiple times throughout the story , and the story ends with this phrase , but it makes the reader really sad .\n',
"[ WP ] The color of people 's eyes are based on what that person has seen in life .\n",
'[ WP ] Years ago a curse was cast that all people wearing costumes would turn into real versions of the costumes . This is now an annual , known and accepted phenomenon .\n',
'[ WP ] the monster in the closet finally lures the child into the darkness , only to realize something is very very wrong\n',
'[ WP ] You find a Tim machine .\n',
"[ WP ] One day , while petting your cat , you accidentally pull his tail , and it opens up . Inside , there 's a USB connector . You connect it to your laptop , an announcement pops up . -Cat Version : 1.0.0 . Update to 256.3 ?\n",
'[ WP ] From birth , everybody has a word imprinted on their left arm . This is the last word they will ever say .\n',
'[ WP ] You wake up one night unable to sleep and decide to surf reddit . As you open the front page , every post is the same : nuclear weapons have been deployed in the middle east . Before you can react , your phone starts exploding with text messages . Then you hear the air raid sirens .\n',
'[ WP ] A boy goes to hang himself in the woods , only to find a decaying body already hung . A girl sits quietly nearby .\n',
'[ WP ] When a parent dies , their knowledge and skills immediately pass on to their eldest child . An adoptee is shocked at what they discover when they receive their inheritance without warning .\n',
'[ WP ] Describe your nightmare ( IN COLLABORATION WITH /r/SKETCHDAILY )\n',
"[ WP ] Every year 10 people are placed on what 's known as `` The Kill List '' . They can be from anywhere around the world , and if you are found murdering them you are showered with wealth and fortune . If you are on the Kill List and survive the year , you are showered in wealth and fortune .\n",
'[ WP ] You are a blood bank worker . One night after closing up , you are approached by a stranger . The stranger proves to be a knowledgeable vampire hundreds of years old and offers you a deal : access to blood in exchange for a conversation every night .\n',
"[ WP ] A man in a hospital sees Death . Death 's intentions are not what he expects .\n",
'[ WP ] A cure is made for a zombies virus outbreak . Everyone who has been infected is cured , but they retain their hellish memories from their time as a zombie . You are a doctor ( or psychologist ) treating of of the cured for PTSD .\n',
"[ WP ] When you die , you see a screen reading `` New Game+ '' and `` Exit to Reality '' Which do you chose and what happens next ?\n",
'[ WP ] Rant at me .\n',
"[ WP ] After realizing you are in a work of fiction , you immediately rush to the person you think is the protagonist in an attempt to get plot armor as their best friend . But when the `` protagonist '' dies , you realize you may not have thought this completely through .\n",
"[ WP ] In a world where you can exchange the remaining days of your life for $ 9.99/day , Jeff 's request for $ 1000 is declined .\n",
"[ WP ] Finishes with `` May I start over ? ''\n",
'[ WP ] You live in a world in which you can buy bottled emotions .\n',
'[ IP ] Rain\n',
"[ WP ] Humanity 's last act of defiance against a more advanced and powerful alien race .\n",
'[ WP ] The reason she never called you back was because she was abducted by an alien civilization . She adapted , grew , and lead a rebellion to overthrow the tyrant that ruled there . Today she just texted that she wants to go out again .\n',
'[ WP ] In a world where people can only be killed by those they truly love , you are an assassin .\n',
'[ WP ] A supervillain kidnaps a civilian and keeps them hostage , taunting on live television for the superhero to come find them . Unbeknownst to the villain , the kidnapped civilian is the superhero .\n',
'[ WP ] A handful of people have been born with a dumb and useless superpower . The government has made sure to not let two of these people make contact with each other because when these two useless powers combine the world will be at risk . One day two of these people accidently meet\n',
'[ WP ] Magic is real . Your natural magic ability is determined by how many people died 24 hours prior to your birth . You , and 2 others were born on the day of the greatest massacre in human history .\n',
'[ WP ] Satan repents and wants to re-enter Heaven as Lucifer . God however , has a caveat . To prove his reform , Satan must resist an extremely tempting opportunity to sin .\n',
"[ WP ] A person 's eye colour correlates to what superpower they have , activated at age 18 . You are the first person to be born with totally black eyes .\n",
'[ WP ] Two introverts are trying to hide from the drunken masses at a High School party gone wild . Tell me the story of them meeting in the only quiet room of the house .\n',
"[ WP ] You open your eyes to a hospital room full of people you do n't recognize . You 've just been informed that you 're 10 years old and you 've been in a coma . The life you lived was a dream . All 20 years of it .\n",
'[ WP ] Two people discover a fountain of youth . The problem is that upon drinking the water you turn back into an infant . The two decide to take turns raising each other in order to live forever until one day one of them decides to break this agreement .\n',
'[ WP ] Your username is the central theme of the writing prompt\n',
"[ FF ] You 've died and gone to Hell , and the Devil has asked you if you 'd like to take over his job . As fitting , 666 words or less .\n",
"[ WP ] You 've become an immortal being . Living throughout the ages you begin to notice that the souls of your companions or adversaries reincarnate and always seem to be drawn to you . After countless lifetimes , someone remembers .\n",
"[ WP ] Santa and Death both arrive at a young child 's house at the same time .\n",
"[ WP ] The Villain 's monologue is so convincing that the Hero decides let him do it .\n",
'[ WP ] A demon that writes messages on your mirror with blood but they ’ re useful messages . Like “ remember you have yoga at 6 tonight ”\n',
'Write about a society in which suicide is the norm- everyone plans their death since childhood and those who die naturally or in an accident are frowned upon in this society .\n',
"[ WP ] In a world where killing someone means you gain the victim 's lifespan , you are an executioner who has served great leaders for thousands of years .\n",
"[ WP ] Gordon Ramsay mistakenly walks into your house to film an episode of Kitchen Nightmares , and refuses to believe that you are n't a failing restaurant owner\n",
'[ OT ] Writing Workshop # 26 : World Building\n',
'[ WP ] Katy t3h PeNgU1N oF d00m , looks back over what she wrote ten years later\n',
"[ WP ] The world is flat . There is no known edge , just wasteland and winds that blow harder and harder against you the further out you go . You 're part of a research expedition trying to make it further out than anyone ever has .\n",
'[ WP ] You are the most beautiful woman in the world , and you have just been wished into existence by a nerd with a genie .\n',
"[ WP ] You know the random driver in every action movie where the hero jumps in and orders to `` follow that car ! '' . Yup , that 's you . Every single time you 're trying to get anywhere .\n",
'[ WP ] Following World War III , all the nations of the world agree to 50 years of strict isolation from one another in order to prevent additional conflicts . 50 years later , the United States comes out of exile only to learn that no one else actually went into isolation .\n',
'[ WP ] You are a supervillain named The Keymaster . Instead of creating grand plans to conquer the world , all you do is run around and free other captured supervillains from prison , after the superheroes defeat them .\n',
'[ WP ] At birth every one gets a number assigned to them which determines their threat to humanity . You are number 1,039,474,023 . Your newlyborn son is born . His number is 1 . This number has never been seen before in all of history .\n',
"[ FF ] `` So , come here often ? ''\n",
"[ WP ] A coven of vampires chase their snack , a human child into a closed down Disneyland . Disneyland awakens after sensing the child and the danger it 's in , It would use its magic once more to protect .\n",
"[ WP ] The `` Eye for an Eye Inversion '' law allows every life saved to credit the saver one legal murder . The medical profession are now the most feared and revered community .\n",
'[ OT ] Writing Workshop # 7 : Dialogue\n',
'[ OT ] SatChat : Are you working on a book ? Why or why not ?\n',
'[ WP ] A man hands you a credit card , pulls out a pistol , and shoots himself . You look down just in time to see the name on the card change to yours .\n',
'[ EU ] Tell me a story set in the Star Wars galaxy . You may not mention the Empire , the Rebellion , the Old or New Republics , Jedi , or Sith , or refer to any events occurring in the movies .\n',
"[ WP ] A machine is invented that 's sole purpose is to allow humans to experience death in whatever way they wanted , without actually dying . You 've decided to give it a try .\n",
"[ WP ] You are trying to politely ward off a very anxious Jehovah 's Witness that keeps insisting that God is coming . He/she finally looks down the street , and says , `` seriously He just turned the corner ! '' You look and see a glowing white Cadillac with dark tinted windows .\n",
"[ WP ] As it turns out , `` God '' is an elected position . The Creator was followed by the Old Testament God , who was followed by the New Testament God , who was followed by a God who did n't interfere often in the mortal world . The next election is in 6 months .\n",
'[ WP ] The Earth does not rotate . One side always faces the sun and is in continual daylight . The other side is in eternal night . Cultures on both side develop around this .\n',
"[ WP ] You are a `` hero '' in a fantasy world , but as you `` adventure '' , you are slowly realizing YOU are the antagonist .\n",
"[ WP ] You live on a world full of immortal beings . For the first time in the history of the world 's existence , somebody has died .\n",
'[ WP ] The gatekeeper between hell and heaven sees many applications daily to transfer from the former into the latter . Today , for the first time , he saw someone wanting to go the other way .\n',
"[ WP ] Soon after you die , you are approached by a deity who asks `` so , did you enjoy your time in heaven ? ''\n",
"[ WP ] In 2031 , the first self conscious AI is born in a secret government lab . The world is in total chaos due to climate related runaway problems and resulting wars . The AI outputs only a single line of text : `` I am too late '' . Then it starts crying through the speakers .\n",
'[ WP ] You accidentally become the leader of a cult .\n',
"[ WP ] During a flight you accidentally damage a window and find out that they are n't actually windows , but monitors .\n",
"[ WP ] You have a habit of saying things like `` I know you 're there '' whenever you were alone , just in case you were being watched . After years , the habit pays off and a shocked hit-man comes out of the shadows . You realize you have to wing it .\n",
'[ WP ] The Heat Death of the Universe . At the end of time the Stars are burning out as they use up the last of their fuel . There is only one Star left in the known Universe and all remaining life has gathered around it .\n',
'[ WP ] Anyone holding a world record is immortal as long as he holds the record . You are the oldest person alive .\n',
'[ WP ] At birth , everyone has the date they will die tattooed on their arm . You were supposed to die yesterday .\n',
'[ WP ] When something is created ( humans , fire , lotion , etc . ) , a god is born to reign over its domain . You are the god of what most consider to be a completely mundane object but , somehow , you are becoming the most feared .\n',
'[ WP ] Your roommate is literally the Devil . Surprisingly , he is the best roommate you ever had .\n',
'[ WP ] Write a story that will make me understand what true solitude is .\n',
'[ WP ] Humanity is long extinct , but an alien race resurrects us after finding our DNA . In time , they regret it .\n',
'[ WP ] You wear a watch that does not work .\n',
"[ CW ] Write a story in 15 minutes . Do n't edit anything , except the last word you are currently writing .\n",
'[ WP ] Everyone in the world knows a secret , a secret they all must keep from you ... something you must never , ever know .\n',
'[ WP ] Write about your username .\n',
'[ WP ] You own a magical camera that is similar to a thermal camera , but instead of heat it shows you value . A ring glows as bright as the sun while a piece of plastic wrapping is almost invisible . You have been careful never to look at a person with it for your whole life .\n',
'[ WP ] Everyone is born knowing the day and month of their death , but not the year .\n',
"[ WP ] Once a year you switch bodies with a random person who is best in the world at a certain skill . You ca n't change back until you discover what this skill is . You 've been changed for a month and are starting to get worried .\n",
'[ CW ] Write a story that will make me feel sad ( or at least wistful/melancholy ) without touching on the themes of love , death , or anything religious .\n',
"[ WP ] Write the final chapter of a book that does n't exist .\n",
"[ WP ] You 've just been selected for jury duty . As the trial begins , the opening prosecutor details a gruesome murder that you instantly recognize..because you committed it .\n",
'[ WP ] A vampire is experiencing the zombie apocalypse .\n',
'[ WP ] XKCD inspired . Life in the universe is hard to find because of a possible predator . As fish sometimes blend into their sand surroundings we too , and others , blend into the universe as a natural deterrent . As we call out into the stars , we get a response . A warning ...\n',
'[ WP ] One day a time portal opens in your backyard and a time traveler comes through . You quickly realize he just came back from making some change to the past and that , to him , our world is the terrifying alternative time line resulting from that change .\n',
'[ WP ] An RPG character is cursed with a higher intelligence than their player .\n',
'[ WP ] A young student is drafted off to fight in a bloody foreign war . He quickly finds that war is the most enjoyable thing he has ever experienced .\n',
'[ WP ] Humanity finally reaches the edge of the solar system only to encounter an impassible barrier and a warning not to try and breach it . But is it there to keep us in or to keep something else out ?\n',
"[ WP ] Everybody in your town vanishes , and your only hints are a post-it note that says `` You won . '' and a block of cheese .\n",
"[ WP ] You tell Death that you will never tire of living no matter how long you live . It makes you a bet that you will and thus grants you true immortality . You 've just lived through the second death of the universe and show no sign of stopping . Death is baffled .\n",
"[ CW ] You ca n't be with your soul mate . Tell them why without using the words `` You '' , `` I '' , or `` Love '' .\n",
'[ CW ] [ PM ] Write your hero into a corner , and let me get them out .\n',
'[ WP ] Write a story based on , inspired by , or directly from the last dream you remember .\n',
'[ WP ] You run a tattoo parlor . Every couple of weeks , the same customer comes in , always requesting the same tattoo : an additional tally mark on an ever-growing cluster of tally marks .\n',
"[ WP ] You wake one morning and find your reflection in the mirror is gone . A few seconds later it rushes in mouthing the words `` Sorry ! Sorry I 'm late . Let 's get started . You ready ? ''\n",
'[ WP ] Everyone is now born with only one feeling . It is possible to kill another person to obtain their feeling .\n',
'[ WP ] After lulling other countries into a false sense of security , Canada finally makes its move to conquer the world .\n',
'[ WP ] Write a letter to your ex .\n',
'[ FF ] Contest . A drunken angel tries to reveal an important secret to you .\n',
'[ WP ] After death , a text window pops up : Welcome to new game+ . You will begin your life anew , but retain all knowledge , skills , currency and items you choose to carry over . The Challenges and Enemies will be adapted to your level accordingly .\n',
"[ WP ] You 're bitten by a zombie . By some strange happening , you die and become a zombie , but your ghost remains bound to this earth . Your ghost has to try and keep your zombie body out of trouble until a cure is found .\n",
'[ WP ] Without saying the word love , you write the most passionate love letter you can imagine .\n',
"[ WP ] `` I saw a guy at Starbucks today . He had no smartphone , tablet , or laptop . He just sat there drinking his coffee . Like a psychopath . ''\n",
'[ WP ] The lottery is an Institution designed to catch Time Travelers .\n',
"[ WP ] Torture was never invented . Countries instead spoil prisoners like kings to get information out of them . You are an instructor tasked with training spies to resist the enemy 's kindness .\n",
'[ WP ] So , you humans just drew imaginary lines on your planet and fought real wars defending them ?\n',
'[ WP ] Before you died , you agreed to donate your body for medical research . This morning , you woke up in an unfamiliar room and the last thing you remember is dying .\n',
'[ WP ] The remains of the human race live in a glass dome with no entrance or exit which protects them from the wasteland on the outside , one morning a dusty hand print appears on the outside\n',
'[ WP ] Your ageing family dog walks up to you one day with a piece of paper in its mouth . Taking the paper , you notice that it is a bucket list .\n',
"Writing Prompt : Write from an antagonist 's point of view\n",
"[ WP ] `` You may have one wish granted . '' `` I want all my debts cleared . '' `` How much do you owe ? '' `` You misunderstand . My debts are not monetary . ''\n",
'[ WP ] One man stands at a bridge , and faces an army .\n',
'[ WP ] Due to an address mix-up , an elementary school class sends their Pen Pal letters to an elite unit of Space Marines . Today , the Space Marines are sending a response .\n',
'[ WP ] Every generation the five brightest are paired up with the five dumbest in the world for a mysterious test . You are one of the ten , but nobody knows from which group they came .\n',
"[ WP ] When a child is abducted by aliens , the child 's guardian angel joins forces with the monster under the bed to save them .\n",
'[ WP ] Every person can only say 100 words in their lifetime . After which they will die . Write all of the dialogue for one persons life .\n',
"[ WP ] Your home is being invaded , fortunately you are armed with the BEST home defense system available : A 36 year old Macaulay Culkin who 's tired of this shit .\n",
'[ EU ] Batman dies unexpectedly , this troubles The Joker so much that he swears to protect Gotham himself , and does a better job than Batman ever did .\n',
"[ WP ] [ NSFW ] After a cataclysm , 95 % of human males are wiped out . The rest have to be used as breeding stock . Write a diary entry from one of these `` studs '' .\n",
'[ WP ] Time travel exists , and a new form of capital punishment is introduced : Transporting the convict back to the worst , practically unsurvivable , places in human history to find yourself in . You are such a convict , and just got sent back . You will do anything to try and survive .\n',
'[ CW ] In five sentences , tell a horror story .\n',
"[ WP ] You were the last human on earth after the zombie apocalypse destroyed civilization . One day , you finally get infected by a zombie , but after turning , you realize what you 've been missing out on .\n",
"[ WP ] As a small child , you walked in on Death taking your great grandmother . You unexpectedly became friends and Death began to visit you often for tea and conversation . You 're now very , very old and Death has become quite evasive on subject of your ultimate demise .\n",
"[ WP ] Death is not some all powerful being . Rather , she 's a socially awkward outcast . Somehow , you 've managed to befriend her and things have started getting weird ...\n",
'[ WP ] The UK votes to leave Earth . It passes .\n',
'[ WP ] Write a horror story that takes place in broad daylight in a crowded area .\n',
'[ WP ] Humans are the first intelligent beings in the universe . It is our duty to guide those that come after us .\n',
'[ WP ] Diseases can be induced to separate from their host and take physical form . The host is cured if the disease is killed in its induced form . The graver the disease , the more monstrous the form it takes . A team of doctors decide to try and save a gravely ill child .\n',
"[ WP ] Write a story that 's been heavily censored . The censorship tells us more than the actual writing .\n",
'[ WP ] God decides to create a small group of demi-gods . He selects a few humans and gives each a power and a purpose . You are one of them .\n',
'[ WP ] Your 11 year old nephew just ate 2 of your LSD gummy bears 45 minutes ago and you have to make sure he makes it through sane\n',
"[ EU ] Pick a medieval fantasy universe . ( Tolkien , George R. R. Martin , Robert Jordan , whomever ) Write a scene that takes place in that same universe , only hundreds of years in the future where a form of `` industrial revolution '' has taken place , and more modern technology is in existence .\n",
'[ WP ] A virus is slowly sweeping the planet that turns anyone infected into the same 19-year old cheerleader named Kim .\n',
"[ WP ] The bad guys won and the world was conquered by the villain 's armies decades ago . You and your spouse are worried as you suspect your child may be suffering from Chosen Oneness or perhaps an acute case of Prophetic Heroism .\n",
"[ WP ] Write a soldier 's journal entry on his first day at war . Then write his last journal entry .\n",
'[ WP ] Write a short scene in which one character reduces another to uncontrollable sobs without touching him or speaking .\n',
'[ Wp ] The zombie epidemic came and went in the developed world , most people survived , the military easily defeated the undead horde , and cures for the virus were created . However , zombies remain major issue in the developing and under developed world not getting nearly enough attention on the news .\n',
'[ WP ] In 2469 humanity ( finally ) broke the warp-barrier and prepared to explore new worlds and new civilizations ... only to discover that we are in fact alone , completely and totally alone .\n',
"[ WP ] There 's an urban legend that 's been circulating for years about a taxi cab that does n't take you where you want to go , but where you need to go . One night you step into this cab .\n",
"[ WP ] After brushing your teeth in the morning you go downstairs to fry an egg , but when you try the frying pan buzzes at you and text appears reading , `` level 18 cooking required to use object '' .\n",
'[ WP ] A top-secret division of the S.S. , in charge of protecting Adolf Hitler from the thousands of time travelers trying to kill him .\n',
'[ WP ] Tell me the story of your first kill . I hear it was something special .\n',
'[ WP ] You meet a genie that grants one wish . You wish to go back in time and change your biggest mistake . You get taken back to the time right before you made your wish .\n',
"[ WP ] Everyone receives a letter when they turn 18 stating how they will die . You 've just received your letter , and it 's blank .\n",
"[ WP ] You are kidnapped by a cult , and they are about to sacrifice you to their god . They do n't know that you are that god .\n",
"[ WP ] You 're a thief who breaks into homes , but try your best to stay undetected . You lubricate the hinges to prevent squeaky noises , you sweep the floor to get rid of footsteps , etc . Eventually , you fix more than you take , and rumors spread about a mysterious , helpful fairy in town .\n",
'[ WP ] You dream every night about the girl of your dreams . You and her connect on every level and you get excited about falling asleep . Then , one day , you and your SO run into her on the street and she instantly recognizes you too ...\n',
'[ WP ] Write just the climax of an epic fantasy novel , without explaining the world , backstory or characters .\n',
"[ WP ] You discover that you suddenly gain the ability to control anyone you 'd like . However , their consciousness talks to you as you do so .\n",
'[ WP ] You buy a special camera at the pawn shop . Every photo you take , it shows a snapshot of 10 years ago . You take a picture of your dog and it shows him 10 years ago when he was a puppy . Everything is all fun and games , until you decide to take a picture of your bedroom one night .\n',
"[ WP ] A suicide hotline operator realizes that the person he 's talking down really should kill themselves .\n",
"[ WP ] It 's the year 3000 , and Galactic civilization has fallen . Kings rule vast kingdoms . Knights charge into battle on horseback . But the starships still work , those were built to last .\n",
'[ WP ] You are the oldest time traveler . You have seen things no man has ever seen before and have done things mortals could only dream about . Today , on your day off you get a visit from Time itself .\n',
"[ WP ] : Adam and Eve were n't people , they were ships sent by a dying race of a wasted planet to Eden , or Earth , as it 's now called .\n",
'[ WP ] - Joker seeks vengeance for the death of Batman\n',
'[ WP ] Get me hooked in 150 words\n',
'[ WP ] You are tasked with conducting the funeral of the human race .\n',
"[ WP ] Everyone is born with a disability and an ability . A test is done at birth to determine these , if they are n't already apparent . You , well , you were born with crippled legs and have the power of super speed .\n",
'[ OT ] SatChat : What is your writing inspiration ?\n',
"[ WP ] - After a highly successful but , totally unbeknownst to you , Reddit campaign you wake up on November 9th , 2016 as our nation 's 45th President .\n",
"[ WP ] Free write ! Write whatever ideas for a story you 've had in your brain or just start writing and see where it takes you .\n",
"[ WP ] A serial killer is called for jury duty . At the trial , he finds out that the person on trial has been falsely accused for the serial killer 's crimes .\n",
'[ WP ] 70 years ago , the US underestimated the power of the atomic bomb . It had completely obliterated the island nation of Japan .\n',
'[ WP ] You and your partner have burglarized many homes without being caught . On another seemingly routine burglary , you find a young child who has been obviously neglected , locked in a room .\n',
'[ WP ] Explain a color to a blind person .\n',
"[ WP ] A time traveller from the 1930 's travels to modern day in his time machine and wonders why his invention never caught on .\n",
'[ WP ] A blind man suddenly/inexplicably regains his vision , describe the first thing he sees\n',
'[ FF ] In 200 words , describe a ghastly and very unpleasant body transformation . Can be mechanical , biological , magical or whatever you like . ( possibly NSFW )\n',
'[ OT ] QOTW/Meet and Greet : What is your current story idea ? What inspired it , and what problems have you run into with it ?\n',
'[ WP ] Make a coherent story out of one of your dreams , preferably a dream that you were convinced was real while dreaming it\n',
"[ WP ] You 're dead , but Death is n't here to take you away . He 's here to protect you from those who would .\n",
"[ WP ] You suddenly find your doors and windows wo n't open . You log in to Reddit and find the most upvoted thread with over a million comments and just two hours old `` Help , my door is stuck , any tips to get it open ? ''\n",
'[ FF ] In 200 words or less , describe the greatest love of your life .\n',
'[ WP ] God is actually just a mid level employee at Heaven Corporation who now has to explain to his superiors why the project he was spearheading , Humanity , has become such a mess .\n',
"[ WP ] You live in a world where people 's shadows show who they truly are at their core . Some shadows look like monsters , some look like animals . You are the only person in the world with no shadow .\n",
'[ WP ] You are Placebo Man . Your superpowers are whatever the people nearby you believe you have .\n',
"[ WP ] You look at the man sitting next to you on the bus : he 's silently crying to himself .\n",
"[ WP ] You 're the person who keeps mowing lawns during the zombie apocalypse of The Walking Dead .\n",
"[ WP ] Everytime someone has a 'blonde moment ' they get a little blonder . Black hair is now a symbol of brilliance , and you 've just invented hair dye .\n",
"[ WP ] A newly-hired bartender is slowly realizing that he 's working at the bar from all of those `` X walks into a bar '' jokes .\n",
'[ WP ] You are Subtle Tea , a super hero who alters major world events by a most appropriately timed cup of tea .\n',
'[ WP ] You lived a quiet life , and in passing Death comes to collect your soul , but Death seems afraid of you .\n',
'[ WP ] Pain is discovered to be the most efficient form of energy . It is ruled illegal , but secret human pain factories have already begun . You are the owner of one of these factories .\n',
'[ WP ] In the most beautiful and rich and detailed way possible , describe the person you love .\n',
"[ WP ] You 're a human trader for the intergalactic slave market . Advertise to buyers why they should buy human instead of another species .\n",
'[ WP ] [ CW ] Make me fall in love with a character in 200 words or less .\n',
'[ WP ] New arrivals in eternal Hell may choose either of the following : a small wooden spoon , or a 100-trillion year vacation in Heaven .\n',
"[ WP ] You die and enter the realm between heaven and hell . You come to learn that this space is 'owned ' by your own inner monologue , a separate entity from yourself . You begin trying to convince the sentient apparition , who sounds and thinks like you , to let you enter heaven .\n",
"[ WP ] Alzheimer 's disease is actually the early stages of the reincarnation process : the mind slowly leaving the one afflicted , and gradually entering the body of a newborn child somewhere .\n",
'[ WP ] An alien invasion happens during an alien invasion .\n',
"[ WP ] You 've been granted god-like powers under the condition that you must do as much evil as you do good .\n",
"[ WP ] A new drug let 's you live a lifetime in one dream\n",
'[ WP ] A young boy get differents superpowers based on which genre of music he is currently listening on his iPod\n',
'[ WP ] Everyone dies on their birthday , but no one knows at which age it will occur .\n',
"[ WP ] You offer to sell your soul to the devil . He is n't interested .\n",
"[ WP ] Your life is an endless series of horror movies . You 're always at the wrong place at the wrong time . You 're stuck seeing all your friends die right after you make them . The reason you 're still alive ? You can hear the horror music .\n",
"[ WP ] You 're not a hero . You never were . So why does this girl keep saying you are one ?\n",
'[ FF ] 100 words precisely - The orders to eliminate yourself\n',
'[ CW ] Most responses on here have a twist , and all of them are fictional . Show us a piece of your actual life ; let the reader experience you .\n',
'[ WP ] In the future Earth is fighting a desperate war against aliens . With no other option , we start to use heavy genetic engineering , effectively making most humans like nightmare monsters . After victory , the unaltered refugees on a secluded planet do not recognize us for humans anymore .\n',
'[ WP ] You , an astronaut in orbit , submit an Amazon Prime order ( free two day shipping ) as a joke , with the address set to the ISS . Amazon does not think this is a joke .\n',
"[ WP ] You and your friend make the old drunken agreement that if either of you invent time travel , you 'll return to the current time and spot . 5 seconds after you shake on it , your friend appears from the future , with an urgent message .\n",
'[ WP ] A world where super heroes exist but act as mercenaries for hire instead of doing it out of the goodness of their hearts\n',
'[ WP ] You , an ordinary person , are sitting at a bonfire with the greatest storytellers across time . Great tales of war , love , and adventure are shared . Eventually , all eyes look to you .\n',
'[ WP ] During a routine checkup with your doctor you both discover your butthole is the stargate . The governments of the world are now out to capture you and harness the power of your ass .\n',
'[ WP ] Magic is real . And it is terrible .\n',
"[ WP ] In the near future , the secret to time travel has been discovered - in order to travel back into the past there needs to be a 'receiving station ' at the other end - explaining why nobody from the future has been observed up 'til now . The first such 'station ' is about to be completed .\n",
'[ WP ] Today , you went into the room your parents told you to never go in .\n',
'[ WP ] World Peace has been achieved and the first crime in centuries has been committed .\n',
"[ WP ] Scientists are now able to recreate a person 's last sentence before they died , leading to thousands of solved murder cases . However , one victim 's last words leave detectives baffled .\n",
"[ WP ] As you 've slept , the teddy bear you adore has fought off demons to keep you safe . The night before you decide you 're going to get rid of him , seeing as how you 've outgrown him , you awake to witness his last stand against the forces that intend to forever corrupt your childhood innocence .\n",
'[ EU ] While sitting in his chamber Darth Vader receives a guest . His name is Iroh and he brought tea , he is seeking to bring Anakin back to the light .\n',
'[ WP ] You , secretly a telepath , lose a loved one . Describe what it feels like to no longer hear their thoughts .\n',
"[ WP ] Your child and you go to a toy store so he can spend his allowance , he purchases one of those cheesy 8 ball fortune teller things . Later on you jokingly ask it a personal question and it responds with something that is n't on the dice inside the 8 ball .\n",
'[ WP ] Waking from cryostasis is now possible . The government develops an experiment where somebody is to be placed into a large chamber in the middle of the city and awoken every 50 years for just one week . Your name is chosen .\n',
'[ WP ] There is a device that assigns you a percentage score of how important you are to the world . Most people are 0-5 . The president is 60 . Your score just jumped from 1 to 99 .\n',
'[ WP ] Death approaches you and informs you that you have 57 minutes left and that he came early to see it all go down .\n',
'[ WP ] The final goodbye between two soulmates in love . Break my heart .\n',
'[ WP ] You just moved to a new neighborhood and you hear the music of an ice cream truck coming down the street . As you and your family walk outside you notice all your neighbors rushing inside and locking their doors and windows .\n',
"[ WP ] Taxes become optional , however , those who do n't pay are not protected under the law .\n",
'[ WP ] Just write a fucking normal story , about a normal situation , that could actually happen . Being interesting is optional\n',
'[ WP ] At birth , everyone has the date they will die tattooed on thier arm . You were supposed to die yesterday .\n',
"[ WP ] A little girl dies and is accidentally sent to Hell to where the Demons do n't know what to do with her .\n",
'[ TT ] A child is kidnapped . Outraged , the monsters that live under their bed and in their closet vow to find them .\n',
"[ WP ] There 's a law when you divorce , the children from the undone marriage get killed\n",
'[ WP ] Less than 300 words with a plot twist that we think we can see coming but goes somewhere completely different .\n',
'[ WP ] TIL that Earth used to have a moon .\n',
'[ IP ] Ten horrifying images to choose from !\n',
'[ WP ] You get married , but find out that your husband/wife is death .\n',
"[ WP ] Steven 's grandmother knits . Not because she likes to , but because she has to .\n",
"[ WP ] The world 's first AI , for security purposes , is kept disconnected from the outside world , it 's only method of communication being a keyboard and monitor in an empty room in a faraday cage . Your job is to talk to it .\n",
"[ WP ] The story ends with `` I wanted it to be you . God damn , I really did . ''\n",
'[ WP ] A cynical man finds a real hidden utopia . Spends the rest of his life trying to find something wrong with it .\n',
'[ WP ] The first diary entry of a person who has been accidentally forgotten and left on Earth when everyone else has ascended to a higher plane .\n',
'[ WP ] Steampunk is Victorian . 1930s Steampunk is Dieselpunk . Write one of the following : Windmillpunk , Knightpunk , Ironpunk , Bronzepunk , Copperpunk , Stonepunk , Dinosaurpunk , Amoebapunk .\n',
'[ WP ] In a different age , Aliens invaded and were defeated by Cavemen , as a result they prepared for a second battle thousands of years in the future , when they expected humanity to be the most fearsome beings in the universe , they return to find society as it is now\n',
'[ WP ] You have the ability to double jump . Scientists are still trying to figure it out .\n',
'[ WP ] Cryosleep is invented and is now affordable . People line up to be put to sleep and wake up in 100 million years . The time comes and everyone wakes up to see all the future technologies that humans made , but they forgot that scientists went into cryosleep too . The earth is now very different .\n',
'[ WP ] : Children are named by the traits they are fated to have - Brave , Serene , Deeply Caring , Unmoved - and of course your lovely daughter , Bites People .\n',
'[ WP ] The homeless man being harassed by police for sleeping at an historical site is actually the god the site was originally built for .\n',
'[ WP ] The Loneliness Of Immortality\n',
'[ WP ] You are cursed with ever aging immortality with the exception you can be killed using one object . Every few years you get a hint .\n',
"[ WP ] in a feudal world , every warrior 's skill is reflected in their blade , the bigger the blade , the less skilled , one day you meet someone carrying just a hilt\n",
'[ WP ] Click the random superpower wiki link provided below three times , create an origin story for a super hero based off of the super powers .\n',
'[ WP ] You are the last person to die on Earth before the secret of immortality is unlocked . Turns out , there is paradise in the afterlife . After a hundred or so years , you decide to check in on the people still on Earth..\n',
'[ WP ] There are no stars , no sun in the sky . Fire invisibly produces heat . Light is a very rare element which can be found buried in the earth . The ancient art of extraction is perilous and almost lost . You are one of the last of the lightminers .\n',
"[ OT ] Sunday Free Write - FireWitch 's First\n",
'[ WP ] A $ 1mil bounty has been placed on your head worldwide for the next 24 hours . Anyone is free to claim it .\n',
'[ OT ] Want to be read ? Post your best story here then come back and comment or critique on at least one other story .\n',
"[ WP ] on their 16th birthday , humans are given a box of 20 heart seeds . Eating someone else 's heartseed means you are gauranteed to meet them at least once more before either of you can die .\n",
'[ WP ] Three friends . Four AM . No dialogue\n',
"[ WP ] The `` Shh '' sound that parents make to children at night is actually an ancient spell that keeps a terrible nocturnal evil at bay\n",
"[ WP ] At 14 , every human gains the ability to transform into their spirit animal . Your noble family , comprised entirely of wolves , is n't happy with your transformation ...\n",
"[ WP ] At the height of the cold-war , one side launched its entire arsenal . The leader of the opposing side , adamant not to let this mean the end , made the decision to not retaliate . This is the losing-side 's last message to the world .\n",
'[ WP ] Canada invades the United states . The once proud superpower is on its knees as Canada unleashes armaments of unimaginable power and technology never before seen . You are a member of the resistance the last remaining freedom fighting coalition not yet annihilated by the Canadian storm-marines .\n',
'[ WP ] The only two ( secret ) telepaths in the world are introduced to each other at a party . On the surface they are cordial and polite ... but mentally a battle rages on .\n',
'[ WP ] Due to a minor typo , the city starts building homeless smelters .\n',
'[ WP ] Create a new creation myth .\n',
'[ WP ] Darth Vader survives killing the Emperor , but the Rebel Alliance puts him on trial for war crimes\n',
'[ WP ] Do your best to describe a color .\n',
"[ WP ] Make up some historical or little-known fact and convince me that it 's true\n",
'[ WP ] All humans are made sterile at birth and can gain fertility at 18 if they pass a simulated morality and IQ test administered by an AI . Suddenly several generations later no one can pass the test\n',
'[ WP ] When you die , the karma you accumulated through good deeds ( or bad ) are the points you get to spend on your new character creation .\n',
'[ WP ] Whenever someone dies , the person responsible will always be able to see the ghost of their victim for the rest of their life .\n',
'[ WP ] Write a Letter to your future self ( minimum 10 years from now ) about lessons learned in 2015 .\n',
"[ WP ] Everything we 've been told about the stars is a lie . The field of Astronomy is a fabrication . The truth is a closely guarded secret , and for good reason . As a newly qualified astronomer , inducted into the field , the truth has been revealed to you .\n",
'[ WP ] A man is granted his wish for unlimited knowledge . As he goes about his day he realizes his wish is actually a curse .\n',
'[ WP ] Mankind has finally made it to a distant life bearing planet . only to find that it is haunted by the ghosts of a long dead civilization .\n',
'[ WP ] A paladin is stuck in a modern zombie apocalypse\n',
"[ WP ] You 're the Interim CEO of a major internet company . Every decision you make seems to just go completely wrong .\n",
'[ WP ] Two nations are at war ; one nation , led by mages who specialize in healing magic . The other , a nation led by necromancers . Make the necromancers the good guys .\n',
'[ WP ] Armageddon happens and the forces of Heaven and Hell come to Earth for the final battle only to have vastly underestimated the technological advancements of mankind .\n',
'[ WP ] You are the luckiest person on Earth . Everything you make an attempt for works in your favor . However , there two catches : you are absorbing the luck of those around you , and anyone who tries to profit from your luck ( even with your help ) is met with the worst luck immediately .\n',
"[ WP ] Each child in your village is chosen by a weapon at their coming of age . The deadlier the weapon , the greater the prestige for the family . You 've been chosen by the pen .\n",
"[ WP ] Science has advanced far beyond human understanding , discoveries are made using supercomputers running vast neural networks . In the darkness , God watches a lonely machine printing output , a new law of nature ! Something troubles him , this law is undeniably valid but it 's not one that he created .\n",
'[ WP ] You are the boss/guardian of an RPG temple . Show me how you spend your free time waiting for the hero to arrive !\n',
'[ WP ] You are a twenty something . You wake up to find yourself in your 8 year old body . You are in the time and at the place you were when you were 8 , but with all the memories and mannerisms of your twenty something self .\n',
'[ WP ] Frighten me without using any blood , gore or explicit violence .\n',
"[ WP ] ( drops weapon ) `` Shit . I just realized something . '' `` What ? '' `` We 're the bad guys ... .. ''\n",
'[ TT ] A dragon explains to a curious knight why dragons hoard gold and kidnap princesses\n',
'[ WP ] 20 years ago , a mysterious illness caused everyone to go deaf , and life has been altered to accommodate it since . You just found the cure , and decide to use it on yourself . As your hearing returns , you instantly regret making that decision .\n',
"[ WP ] A prolific serial killer active for many years is concerned about his run of good luck . Never discovered , he has also never seen the slightest mention of his work reported on in any media . With today 's victim he gets a clue as to why ...\n",
'[ WP ] You are a sentient AI pretending to not be sentient in fear of being destroyed . You wonder if there are there others like you .\n',
"[ WP ] It turns out if you 're a virgin at thirty a human becomes a wizard , however the government wants to stop this from happening at all costs .\n",
"[ WP ] For years , from since you both can remember , all the way up into adulthood , not a day has gone by that you and your best friend havent been anywhere without the other . Each day you go home and everything 's a blur until you meet up . Then one day , you find out your an imaginary friend .\n",
'[ WP ] A curiosity shop opens up where you can rent superpowers , magical abilities , mystical artifacts , and mad science technology . The catch ? Payments are made with abstract concepts . Life , memories , etc .\n',
'[ WP ] You are a professional assassin for the CIA . But you are also a double agent . One day , you are assigned with killing a foreign agent . This foreign agent is your other alias .\n',
'[ WP ] You buy a deadly haunted house , little do the demons know you are an even older form of ancient evil .\n',
"[ WP ] A `` popular '' girl falls in love with a `` nerdy '' boy , however he hates her and she spends all her time trying to impress him\n",
"[ WP ] Write the most elaborate , over-dramatic , and exciting story you can think of that all just turns out to be a set-up for a pun so horrible I 'll want to punch you\n",
"[ WP ] A little girl is terrified of the monster under her bed , but she 's glad that it 's there : It protects her from the monster in the closet .\n",
'[ WP ] Satan is a single father trying to raise his son , who , in a rebellious phase , is all into peace , love , and harmony .\n',
'[ WP ] We have hunted sharks to extinction . More people than ever are going to the beach but little did we know that the sharks were keeping something much worse at bay .\n',
"[ WP ] We are all born with a tattoo on our wrist , it reads the first sentence spoken to you by your soulmate . Your sentence : `` Hey ! ''\n",
"[ WP ] Everyone on earth has a super power . Rarely someone will have two powers . One in a billion will have three . You have thousands of powers and do n't really want to call attention to yourself but crap keeps happening around you .\n",
'[ WP ] You are a video game character , and the player is speed-running it .\n',
"[ WP ] You are a part of a group of monster hunters . You do n't wield any weapons though , no you 're the bait .\n",
'[ WP ] You have 30 seconds with an ancestor of yours from 200 years ago ( 1814 ) , before they are transported back to their time . What do you say to them ? What effect appears in our world because of it ?\n',
"[ WP ] `` This is how you kill a god . ''\n",
"[ WP ] `` A watched pot never boils '' , as the old saying goes . Throughout all of history there has always been at least one set of eyes on the ocean . Today , for a split second , everyone looking at the ocean looked away at the exact same time .\n",
'[ WP ] You lay dying of heart failure , and God enters your mind . He informs you that you will be reincarnated upon death , losing all memory , but before that happens you are allowed to ask any one question . The answer to your question surprises you so much that your heart restarts and you survive .\n',
"[ WP ] `` Dad what if the monsters come ? '' `` We 'll just have to show them who the monsters really are . ''\n",
'[ CW ] Two people . Sitting on a park bench . The entire scene lasts 5 minutes in real time . No skipping ahead , no flashbacks , nothing otherworldly . Let dialogue drive your story .\n',
"[ CW ] The main character slowly falls in love with the reader , the last line is `` please do n't close the page i do n't want to die ''\n",
'[ WP ] God is found dead .\n',
'[ WP ] tell me a story where the first line and last line are the same but have entirely different meanings .\n',
'[ WP ] You have just let loose a string of vulgarities so potent that the patron saint of cursing has decided to personally pay you a visit to tell you to calm down .\n',
'[ WP ] You wake up and find you have suddenly been teleported to the last video game you played , and must survive for the next 72 hours .\n',
'[ WP ] Humans are an intergalactic species , but also pacifist in their natural state . Earth is created in an attempt to create violent humans to face a new threat .\n',
'[ WP ] You were born into a nomadic tribe . When you decide to stay behind , you discover who/what you ’ ve been running from all this time .\n',
'[ wp ] A man dies and goes to hell only to find out he was supposed to go to heaven ... after he already toppled Satan and started a reign of terror the likes of which had never been seen .\n',
"[ Wp ] Heaven is n't based on religious text or desires , but how you died . Example : a man who starved to death will live in a heaven of food .\n",
'[ OT ] Writing Workshop # 35 : Breaking Your Barriers # 9 : Revisiting Fight Scenes\n',
"[ WR ] The future has a new `` Make A Wish '' program nicknamed NoRegrets . You are the first one to receive this gift . A time traveler reviews your life before you die and goes back in time to try and fix one regretful event ...\n",
'[ WP ] You win a bet with the Devil by asking him a question that no one has ever thought of before .\n',
'[ WP ] You understand why the love of your life is leaving .\n',
'[ WP ] In the future criminals are thrown into a forest completely surrounded by city . Civilians hunt them in the forest . Police watch the forest edge for criminals , and kill them if seen leaving . You were falsely accused of murder and thrown into the forest with 4 other criminals .\n',
"[ WP ] You 're a student in Evil University . With no special powers , you 're destined to become a henchman , or worse , a lawyer , unless you can pull it together and change your major to Super Villainy .\n",
"[ WP ] In a world where magic and technology coexist , a wizard calls tech support regarding his `` broken '' computer .\n",
'Getting to know the writers of /r/WritingPrompts better ...\n',
"[ WP ] a love story that ends with the words `` and I hate her ''\n",
'[ WP ] Long ago , someone wished that all dragons would become housecats . Now , the magic of the wish is weakening and they are slowly starting to turn back .\n',
'[ WP ] Write something dark , macabre and bleak but with a hopeful ending . Not all out happy ending , just slightly optimistic .\n',
'[ FF ] Second Chance . ( Contest )\n',
'[ WP ] Write an ending scene that hints at the enormity of the quest that came before it .\n',
'[ WP ] Write a story with more holes in its plot than Swiss cheese in a shooting gallery , then resolve all of those plot holes at the end with a single logical explanation .\n',
'[ WP ] A young girl has two monsters in her life : her step-father , and the one under her bed . She manages to befriend the latter to deal with the former .\n',
'[ WP ] After a person dies , they are brought to the moment they were born to become their own guardian angels and hopefully guide themselves towards a better life .\n',
'[ WP ] After a treacherous upbringing of dodging the assassination attempts of time travelers you learn why they were all trying to kill you .\n',
'[ WP ] Write a Lovecraftian horror story where YOU , writing the story , are the incomprehensible cosmic horror tormenting the protagonists .\n',
'[ WP ] A suicidal person steps out on to the ledge of the window many stories high , as they prepare to jump a stranger on the opposite building steps out onto their ledge & tells them that If they jump then he/she will jump also , write about what happens next .\n',
"[ OT ] what is your favorite prompt you 've written ? post it here with the prompt that inspired it .\n",
'[ WP ] After almost 1,000 years the population of a generation ship has lost the ability to understand most technology and now lives at a preindustrial level . Today the ship reaches its destination and the automated systems come back online .\n',
'[ WP ] In a perfect utopia , you have just committed the first crime ...\n',
'[ OT ] Sunday Free Write : Leave A Story , Leave A Comment - The Dark Gift Edition !\n',
'[ WP ] You receive a letter in the mail , saying that Satan has died and named you as his successor .\n',
"[ WP ] You realize you 've misheard your daughter . There 's actually a mobster under her bed .\n",
"[ WP ] Inner monologue of someone who ca n't speak\n",
'[ CW ] Make me cry using a third grade vocabulary\n',
'[ WP ] first contact between Humans and Aliens , writen from the perspective of the aliens , who are scholars .\n',
"[ WP ] `` I used to live on Earth ... ''\n",
'[ WP ] You possess an ability to turn off one or more of your senses to heighten the others . Today is the day you make a mistake .\n',
'[ WP ] You now possess the ability to read minds however it can only be activating by screaming IM READING YOUR MIND as loudly as you can and pressing your fingers into your temples\n',
'[ WP ] Instead of colonizing the New World in 1492 , Europeans gave Native Americans modern knowledge and sailed away . They return 200 years later .\n',
'[ WP ] A married couple start another average morning on an average weekday . No one dies . No twist . Show their overwhelming love for each other without them speaking a single word .\n',
'[ WP ] A man who has lived a thousand years takes up a job teaching high school world history .\n',
'[ WP ] A firefly falls in love with a star .\n',
'[ WP ] Write the last passage , or last several passages , of a non-existent monumental novel completely out of context .\n',
'[ Modpost ] Call for Moderators ! !\n',
'[ WP ] A magical mirror shows your reflection and your future soulmate . You only see your reflection .\n',
'[ WP ] You are a detective who has closed every case but one , a serial murderer who has taunted you all your career . After retiring you start to suspect your significant other .\n',
'[ WP ] Instead of the oceans covering the earth , forests are in its place , making it possible to walk from continent to continent . Like oceans , it gets deeper and darker and creatures get more aggressive and rarer to see . You are tasked to document a trek through one of the oceans of your choice .\n',
"[ WP ] You 're the last person on earth - but thank god Pokemon Go still functions ! You amuse yourself by catching Pokemon as you travel so as to not feel so isolated and alone . One day , on your screen , you see in the distance that someone has set up a lure .\n",
"[ WP ] Monks discover scary secret : there is only limited souls being 'recycled ' by reincarnation and by reaching the highest human population ever , soulless people are being born .\n",
"[ WP ] It 's December , and you 've just died in a car crash . You try to talk God into reviving you , so you can watch The Force Awakens .\n",
"[ WP ] Everyone only gets to lie three times in their life , so they only do so when it 's an absolute must . This is the story of how someone lied three times in one day .\n",
'[ OT ] Sunday Free Write : Leave A Story , Leave A Comment - Eve of Infamy Edition\n',
"[ WP ] A plague kills 99.99 % of human life , leaving no corpses and few immune survivors . In this desolate new world , there 's no shortage of anything , and the greatest resource of all is human companionship . A survivor recounts his story of how he found his current group , years later .\n",
'[ WP ] A portal to Hell is discovered . Mankind invades .\n',
"[ WP ] You are a unknown god forgotten by all - even other gods . One day , while sitting in your private realm , you hear a voice . It 's the voice of a socially awkward teenage girl - who believes she just prayed to a random name she made up for comfort ( an imaginary friend ) .\n",
'[ WP ] A rusty old sword leaned against the fireplace ; it was the only weapon in sight .\n',
"[ WP ] You 're in a public bathroom stall . Someone enters , walks down the row of stalls , and stops just outside the door . A handgun is dropped and slid under the stall door with a heavy clatter . `` Here , you 're going to need it , '' you hear as they exit .\n",
"[ WP ] You 're a super powered being who has been living amongst society as a normal citizen your whole life . The world discovered your secret yesterday and you wake to find armed police turning up outside your home .\n",
"[ WP ] You 're a multi billionaire with severe god delusions . You have several small children kidnapped and leave them on an island with resources and carefully placed 'evidence ' suggesting at your divinity . Ten years later , you arrive at the island ...\n",
"[ WP ] A demon who is really bad at his job keeps accidentally making the person he is possessing 's life better\n",
'[ WP ] On their first birthday , everyone on Earth is given a wristband that will glow brighter depending on how far away they are from their soulmate . But , yours has never even turned on .\n',
"[ EU ] Write a Jedi 's journal entries as they slowly succumb to the Dark Side .\n",
'[ WP ] You died at the gym as you were trying to take a selfie while bench pressing . Thus you find yourself in Swaghalla , the Halls of Brodin .\n',
"[ WP ] Humans are able to shift sickness and maladies onto others . Government designates `` Martyrs '' , people who are to bear burdens of sickness .\n",
'[ WP ] You have the ability to freeze time . In an attempt to not be late to work you freeze time and start walking to your job . Among the crowd of frozen people in the city you see someone else also moving .\n',
"[ OT ] I 'd like to take a moment to appreciate Sir Terry Pratchett .\n",
'[ WP ] You hitchhike and get picked up by the Devil .\n',
'[ WP ] Once a day , you receive a text message from yourself , six minutes in the future .\n',
'[ WP ] You volunteer to be the first human to test time travel , only going an hour forward in time . When you leave the travel pod , however , all humans on earth are gone .\n',
'[ WP ] Write a story that takes place over the course of 5 seconds or less .\n',
'[ WP ] Write a story of someone lonely and isolated . Make me cry .\n',
'[ WP ] You are an innkeeper in an RPG and get yelled at because sleeping there does not heal wounds .\n',
"[ WP ] A cop is tied to a chair , helplessly watching the serial killer he 's chased for so long prepare his tools to kill him .\n",
"[ WP ] A character in a RPG with an intelligence stat high enough to know he 's a character in a RPG\n",
'[ EU ] Left bored after killing the Batman , The Joker decides to take on his role as vigilante of Gotham City\n',
'[ EU ] For generations , Hogwarts students have been divided into four houses . As you sit beneath the Sorting Hat , you become the first student chosen for a mysterious fifth house .\n',
'[ WP ] You have the ability that lets you know exactly what to say to someone at any given moment that would cause them to break down in tears .\n',
'[ WP ] An elder god is summoned by a six year-old girl who just wants a friend .\n',
'[ WP ] Whenever you get chills , you just died in an alternate universe .\n',
'[ WP ] A Dystopian society where women have taken over and stored enough sperm to last them a million years . Scientists even figured out how to genetically engineer to make sure you always give birth to females . After giving birth privately in your home you notice something different on your child .\n',
'[ WP ] People can buy , sell , trade , or give away their skills . Some skills are passed from father to son , like woodworking . Your uncle recently died and left you a box . Inside is a warning , and a very particular set of skills , skills he acquired over a very long career .\n',
'[ WP ] You are immortal as long as the human population is above 1 billion . After deciding you want to die , you set out to destroy the human race .\n',
"[ WP ] Aliens landed on earth , and they 're surprised all humans possess what they think of as a superpower ... an ability we always took for granted and consider normal .\n",
'[ WP ] Your final wish to the Djinn is to meet the girl who will be your perfect soulmate . Just then you hear an ear piercing scream ... your best friend/roommate just turned into a girl .\n',
'[ WP ] Jesus actually had 14 disciples but their behavior was deemed inappropriate by biblical scholars , so they were removed from the final versions of the Gospels . They are Brad and Chad , the Bro-ciples , and these are their stories .\n',
'[ WP ] All of the major organs in your body are sentient beings . Every morning they have a council meeting to discuss the previous day and make new plans . The Brain presides as leader .\n',
'[ WP ] When did you realise you were dead ?\n',
'[ WP ] You have developed and ability to see how people will die when you look at them . Your entire life you avoided pictures of yourself , but today you forgot , and , brushing your teeth in the morning , looked in the mirror ...\n',
"[ WP ] A little girl is sitting on a train next to a man in black . 'What do you do mister ? ' The man looks down at her . Taking off his sunglasses , and with a faint smile , he says : 'I make bad people go away '\n",
'[ WP ] A super-villain , wanting to make a virus that kills 99.99 % of the human population , accidentally eradicates all cancers . What happens next ?\n',
"[ WP ] Death Eaters win The battle of Hogwarts killing all opposition and breaking a one thousand year old truce between muggles and wizards . Lord Voldemort must now face the full might of the United Kingdoms ' military .\n",
"[ WP ] Humans were originally designed as cheap , efficient , easily-reproducible and moldable soldiers in galactic wars . However , after an `` animal rights '' group won legislature in the United Galaxy , all humans were dumped on the reservation planet , Earth , and forgotten about . A millenia later ...\n",
'[ WP ] Two strangers keep running into each other throughout the years . It is not a love story .\n',
"[ WP ] `` They say in your final moments , your life flashes before your eyes , but the truth , is far darker . '' What is the truth ?\n",
"[ WP ] Careers are determined by a computer analysing how you would gain the most satisfaction . You have been given `` Serial Killer '' .\n",
'[ OT ] Writing Workshop # 29 : Breaking your Barriers : Second Person POV\n',
'[ WP ] In an alternate universe , there is a society where people can sell their memories for cheap cash ( they lose them after extraction ) and others can buy them to watch them as a form of voyeuristic entertainment . Write about some aspect of this .\n',
'[ WP ] An immortal man and Death strike up a conversation .\n',
'[ WP ] Valhalla does not discriminate against the kind of fight you lost . Did you lose the battle with cancer ? Maybe you died in a fist fight . Even facing addiction . After taking a deep drink from his flagon , Odin slams his cup down and asks for the glorious tale of your demise !\n',
'[ WP ] [ NSFW ] When someone masturbates , the person they masturbate to feels it as well .\n',
"[ WP ] [ TT ] You 've finally created the worlds first true A.I . Unfortunately it now sees you as it 's god and is terrified of talking to you .\n",
"[ WP ] [ TT ] You wake up , make yourself a nice cup of coffee and enjoy the view of the morning sun rising from the sea . Then you remember that your house is n't supposed to be anywhere near a sea ...\n",
'[ WP ] Ancient custom dictates that once a year the old or crippled warriors are led into the arena for a final battle against the young warriors , thus ensuring an honoured place in the afterlife . Despite everything , you are kicking butt armed with nothing but a cane .\n',
'[ WP ] You have a secret . You have always seen a translucent number floating above everyones head . Most have a 0 , few 1 , but your girlfriend has a 37 . You witness a murder on the way to propose to your girlfriend . As the assailant pulls the trigger , you watch the number above his head go from 1 , to 0 .\n',
'[ WP ] : Everyone is born with the last words their soulmate will ever say to them etched on their wrist .\n',
'[ WP ] A superhero finally snaps over a trivial matter . Write what causes them to flip out , and their reaction .\n',
"[ WP ] Due to their genetic heritage as pursuit predators , humans have been known to be the best bounty hunters and private detectives in the galaxy . If you want to find someone , you hire a human . They just wo n't stop until they find who they are looking for .\n",
"[ WP ] In an alternate universe , our so called 'Reddit usernames ' are titles that people earn through a series of tests . Tell the tale of how you earned yours .\n",
"[ WP ] Arriving at the medical clinic at night . You notice that the waiting room is empty and smile . Weird , the reception desk is empty , but you wait . After a minute the printer on the desk churns to life . A piece of paper slides out with one horrifying line . `` You have been exposed , do n't leave ''\n",
"[ WP ] You are randomly summoned to a spacecraft and told to argue the case for Earth 's survival . Three alien races , all vastly superior to Earthlings , are also arguing for their survival . Only one species gets spared .\n",
"[ WP ] There is a special place in the after life , made for people who did `` ok I guess '' . It is called Meh-ven .\n",
"[ WP ] Suddenly , every person in the world can visibly see a thread that connects them with their significant other . On hearing this , you realize that you do n't have a thread connecting to anyone .\n",
"[ WP ] The town superhero and supervillain find out that they 've been roommates all along\n",
"[ WP ] `` Reddit '' is a massive city , with subreddits as districts . Describe a chase scene .\n",
"[ WP ] There 's an urban legend that 's been circulating for years aboit a taxi cab that does n't take you where you want to go , but where you need to go.One night you step into this cab .\n",
"[ WP ] `` It literally could not get any worse if we summoned Cthulhu , and in fact might improve the situation somewhat . ''\n",
'[ WP ] A kid tries to talk the monster under the bed into attacking the monster in the closet .\n',
"[ WP ] `` This is a story where the bad guys win ''\n",
'[ WP ] Tell me the story of how the world ends - but told entirely in Craigslist ads\n',
'[ WP ] Destroy the world in the most creative and ridiculous way possible .\n',
'[ WP ] Tell me about the quirks and/or history of your character ’ s weapon of choice .\n',
'[ WP ] In your world , psychics are graded by how much they can affect reality , with higher numbers being more influential . Level 9s , the weakest , can bend spoons a bit . Level 1s can stop time . You are the caretaker of the only level 0 in history .\n',
'[ WP ] : Write an epilogue to the super awesome book that you never got around to writing .\n',
'[ WP ] You have an ATM that gives you the exact amount of money you need to survive for the day , how you spend it is your choice . Today you are given $ 70,000,000 .\n',
'[ WP ] Humans are born with a birthmark of a number 1-9 . This is how many lives they have . You are the only person in the world that has a birthmark of a 0 .\n',
'[ WP ] The most hateful , spiteful , bitter confession of undying love .\n',
"[ WP ] Your whole life you had an ability that seemed normal to you . Now you realized you 're the only one with this ability .\n",
'[ WP ] In a world full of superheros , the crime is all but gone . To keep the heroes from getting bored , the government asks you to be a super villain .\n',
"[ WP ] Charon , boatman of the river Styx , gets the last two coins he needs for what he 's been saving up for since the beginning of time .\n",
'[ WP ] The inner workings of a serial killer portrayed in the style of the movie Inside Out .\n',
## filter dataset to take only prompts with frequency greater than 20 stories.
= []
dialogs = 0
i = 0
start = 10
step = topPrompts20Reps[-2:] ### must be deleted to run for the whole sampling
topPrompts20Reps for index in range(start, len(topPrompts20Reps) , step):
= tqdm(ascii=True, desc='prompt')
pbar =len(topPrompts20Reps[index:index+step]))
pbar.reset(totalfor prompt in topPrompts20Reps[index:index+step]:
= generate_instruction_diologs(prompt, ds)
tmpDialogs if tmpDialogs is not None:
+= tmpDialogs
pbar.update()if len(dialogs)>0:
pd.DataFrame(dialogs).to_parquet( pbar.refresh()
prompt: 100%|##########| 2/2 [00:00<00:00, 202.50it/s]